Breaking: Top diplomat confirms there was quid pro quo

Both sides!
So what?
Libs care about ethics now?
Fake news!


This opening statement is almost as damaging as the Nixon tapes. Agree? Disagree?


Conservatives are so butt hurt and convinced they are the victims as their world shrinks around them that they would rather believe a provable liar who lies on a daily basis over career diplomats…amazing


We gotta burn the ■■■■■■■ life boats.


They need to spend some time in the Wilderness and come back as a more rational form of Conservatism that is based in reality.

That I wouldn’t mind.

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Taylor has a distinguished military background: West Point; and Infantry for six years, including the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. So you know that means he’s in for a total trashing from the Trump ■■■■■■■■■■


Yeah: No Trump was a “blip”; no “Trump was a liberal”; no “I never supported him”; no “I’m not a Republican; I am a constitutional conservative who voted for Ted Cruz,” etc. etc. etc. No fake rebrand. They own this massive sewage fire indefinitely. Sooner, later, whenever: we’re going to see it here. I’ve seen little hedges and gestures from so many of these cowards and ■■■■■■■■ all along for the last few years. No. ■■■■■■■■ Way.



Gee, I guess it’s no fun to say “You got him this time!” when the ambassador to Ukraine is openly saying Trump was demanding a personal quid pro quo for military aid and Rudy G. and his organizatsiya buddies were openly running their own Ukraine foreign policy.


No but literally only because the power of hearing it in someone’s own words can’t be beat.

The call transcripts will be the Nixon tapes.

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Sorry…no one take libs seriously anymore. Ever heard of a boy that cried wolf?

Or if I had a nickel every time a forum lib said Trump is going down I could retire.

Anyone else wonder where Melania is of late? I suspect she’s got a bug out bag and a one way ticket back to Europe ready to go.

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You are very observant…I have seen these little leanings away from Trump…just slightly…sticking their big toe into the water just before getting ready to jump off the boat. It’s gonna happen…And it will likely make me laugh.

dried wolf…isn’t that dangerous??? Trying to dry a wolf.


I’m speechless. There is no defense of this. THIS. IS. WRONG!!!

I’m still pleased with my write-in selection for President in 2016 as well, who sums it up nicely.

As do a few others…

Then it is a good thing I am not one…so I can be taken seriously.

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Just remember he is doing this because of Putin

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Yea…an I’m a rocket scientist.

I’m sure this is why State did not want him to testify. They were concerned he would be honest and come clean about his role in all of this. But instead, like a moron, he decided to go down with the ship. And now he is in a world of trouble as well.

For the Cult-45…do you realize just how serious this is yet?

“So what” is the last remaining defense for Trump World.


We’ve always suspected such.