Breaking: The US extracted one of its top spies from Russia in 2017, worried about exposure and Trump’s handling of intelligence

Every story they ran about “Russian Collusion” an Trum’s treason was a complete fabrication.

There was no treason, there was no collusion. The entire story and investigation were fabrications.

Did CNN actually say that Clapper Winograd and now McCabe are left-wing hacks?

“CNN has many Obama national security officials on-air, including Sciutto, Clapper, Vinograd, and now McCabe. But none of them should properly be viewed as journalists or hosts, but instead as partisan commentators,”

First sciutto disintegrates his own story and now this.

Where’d all the libs go?

Is the CIA no longer considered bad???

I’ll stop when you crazies stop adoring trump, the criminal. He is unfit for the presidency. Why don’t you all see it? He’s lost his ■■■■■■■ mind, he lies through his false teeth, and NO president in history has divided this country like trump.

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So now, it’s been a couple of days and it’s now being revealed once again that this…is sheople food and this thread totally exposes the sheople. The damage that these sources accused President Trump of, are actually responsible for divulging more pertinent information to the outside world, that may critically hurt our intelligence agencies. I swear sheople…can you just stop being used? Can you? Seriously…can you?

We’re still here. We just find it entertaining to watch a few of you convince yourselves of something that isn’t true and then pat yourselves on the back.


So what’s the story? The Ministry of Propaganda ■■■■ up again?

You trust Trump waaaaaaaaay to much. It continually bites cons in their butts

It has nothing to do with Trump. Take a deep breath and just try for a moment in time, to squelch your TDS…it’s the intelligence agencies that are ticked.

The Central Intelligence Agency on Monday evening slammed what it called CNN’s “misguided” and “simply false” reporting, after the cable channel’s chief national security correspondent authored a hole-filled piece claiming that the CIA had pulled a high-level spy out of Russia because President Trump had “repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.”

The extraordinary CIA rebuke came as The New York Times published a bombshell piece late in the evening, which largely contradicted CNN’s reporting. According to the Times, CIA officials “made the arduous decision in late 2016 to offer to extract the source from Russia” — weeks before Trump even took office.

Negative…but weve been over this on the forum…you should take the time and go read up on those threads…good reads till your realize we were debating in circles.

Sides have switched on this.

Both sides.

One side now believes anonymous people of unknown position more than official agency statements.

That’s cannibalism…

If it isn’t Trump… it’s the CEC. Exhibit A…

Cons have railed against the intelligence apparatus for at least 3 years. They did this because they didn’t want to accept that Russia tried to help Trump win. Trump, to the world, took Putin’s word over the CIA.

Now comes this story… where a life is in danger… and cons accept that the cia extracted him for reasons other than Trump incompetence and desire to be liked by Putin.

Every allegation was either disproven or unsupportable by any fact. It was a hoax.

Info who? Your paper of record had no credibility, my dear

Negative…you didnt read the report…
Dont say you did…we know you didnt.


Which he refused.

Both can be true. He could have been offered to be extracted in 2016 and also have been extracted after Trump had mishandled classified intelligence.

Surely we must have many spies…and if Trump is that careless…why just this one IYO?

Who says it is just this one. It is the only one you are aware of. Why did you hilight the part about mishandled intelligence?