Originally published at: BREAKING: Supreme Court Sides with BAKER Who Refused to Make Same-Sex Wedding Cake | Sean Hannity
The United States Supreme Court released a highly-anticipated decision Monday morning, siding with a Colorado baker who refused to make a same-sex wedding cake.
In a surprise 7-2 decision, the court discounted an earlier ruling against the baker in a Colorado court, but refused to go so far as to decide the broader issue of whether American businesses have the basic right to refuse service to same-sex couples over religious beliefs.
“The Commission’s hostility was inconsistent with the First Amendment’s guarantee that our laws be applied in a manner that is neutral toward religion,” wrote Justice Kennedy.
The decision went on to say the “broader issue must await further elaboration.”
“The reason and motive for the baker’s refusal were based on his sincere religious beliefs and convictions. The Court’s precedents make clear that the baker, in his capacity as the owner of a business serving the public, might have his right to the free exercise of religion limited by generally applicable laws," Kennedy wrote. “Still, the delicate question of when the free exercise of his religion must yield to an otherwise valid exercise of state power needed to be determined in an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor in the balance the State sought to reach.”
Read the full decision here.