Breaking: National Enquirer company chief David Pecker talking with New York prosecutors

It just shows that prosecutors are STILL investigating Trump even when his NEW crimes overshadow his OLD crimes.
want to believe that people will only protect the guilty just so long. Until the law comes knocking at their door.

"David Pecker, the head of the company that publishes the National Enquirer, has spoken with prosecutors with the New York district attorney’s office as part of its investigation into the Trump Organization’s handling of hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with President Donald Trump, sources with knowledge of the meeting tell CNN.

The America Media Inc. chairman’s late October meeting with prosecutors from the major economic crimes bureau could provide key details on discussions that took place involving Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who allegedly had an affair with Trump, and agreements that were made with former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, the sources said"

Trump’s been a fraud his whole life.

Over the years there has been a lot of speculation on what Pecker knows about some of Trump’s deepest secrets. I see him as a opportunist who will not risk himself or his company running cover for Trump.
Film at eleven.

This along with the results from the Stone trial along with the tax records all need to land at the ■■■■■■■ same time. Just Hiroshima 45 already.

According to farrow packer killed 60 something stories

Trump surrounds himself with the best types of people.

Because he’s the “Chosen One”.