Breaking: Michael Cohen Pleading Guilty to Mueller Charge in New York

The difference being of course that Cohen seems to have admitted he lied about a central fact.

And yet, the media is not upset at all that while SECSTATE or a presidential candidate, the Clinton foundation was receiving tens of millions in payments from many foreign citizens and/or agents of foreign governments.

I’m not sure the “media is upset” about Trump’s supposed business deals. This just happened in court, they are simply covering it.

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Yeah, it’s been happening to me as well. Very annoying. On both desktop and mobile.

How so?


The Steele dossier places Cohen in Prague to pay off hackers.

Cohen plead guilty to this crime in court. so I dont understand what this means.

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no omne has been able to explain to me how money donated to a charity somehow equals money being given to a person. even with the person having the same name as the charity. can you explain that? connect the dots for me why this is bad. I don’t get it,

Reporting what is happening in a court is not “being upset”. You’re projecting.


This is funny.

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Wait - Trump told me he only hires the best and the brightest.

He didn’t say anything about them being the best and the brightest criminals…

The actual plea document…

See, he can’t even hire good criminals!


here is another good one too

The President might not make it to the third season of his own this show.

And Rosanne without Roseanne got cancelled.


Apparently the President just admitted that he was working on a real estate deal with Russia while campaigning for President.

Yeah… this is bad.

Trump just told reporters that there was nothing wrong with him doing business with Russia during the campaign. Which is in complete conflict with everything he said during the campaign that he wasn’t doing anything with Russia.

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He did not include Russia, so be careful you get that right. He gets this far by being just vague enough to keep conning the rubes.

I almost feel bad for Rush Limbaugh.

The MSNBC report specifically mentioned Russia.