Breaking: Michael Cohen being sentenced today

Got some hard proof, or is this one of those things “everybody just knows”?

Once again, Cohen - after pleading out and cooperating - still gets theee full years in Prison for the crime Donald Trump ordered him to commit.

Were Trump not President, he’d be looking at - at least the same.

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3 years and no parole in the federal system.

Also our host is going to need a new lawyer.


Yeah, you do eighty five percent of your sentence minimum.

“It was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds” -Michael Cohen to the sentencing Judge.

Link to anyone saying he WOULD get 10-20 years?

I predicted he would get up to one year.

That’s a tired old right wing radio lie.

Read what your side is saying, not going to play your silly game.

Only the best people.

Cohen used to be loved by the right.

You made the claim and can’t back it up with a link. The only playing silly games is you!


Think about how stunning this is. The lawyer for the president of the United States is going to jail, when was the last time something like this happened?

The inly goal of a troll is to get you to reply to them… they dont care 8f what they say is actually true…


Facts and knowledge are annoying. Stop it.


Once one is “convinced,” prove doesn’t matter.

Slowly but surely the mask is falling off…the hand waving continues but is become increasingly difficult and disconnected from reality.

Eventually only the true Trump nutters will remain as they fade into conspiracy peddling irrelevancy…


There will be no appeal. He pled guilty.

Joining the president’s campaign manager in prison.

Cohen was also National Deputy Chairman of the RNC finance committee, which had Elliott Broidy and Steve Wynn running things. LOL.

A bunch of Democrats were shamed into returning Harvey Weinstein’s money, or donating it to charity. Did that happen with Wynn’s donations?

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