Breaking: John Kasich supports trump’s impeachment

Sounds like Kasich is scared, could it be all those investigations into Obama scandals.

He should be scared because they destroyed them selves ignoring all the investigations opposed to supporting them.

This Pope would genuinely be problematic for conservatives. I’m dead serious.

True that. I wouldn’t vote for the Pope.

Kasich also pledged to support Trump as the Republican nominee, but he later reneged on that pledge.

For the pledge see the video starting at 1:42:

For the renege see:

While I supported Kasich in the primary in part based on his pledge, I have little respect for his opinions now.

Well this is a shocker considering how much they got along.

John who?

In the Western World which countries do you think are not socialist countries?

Got an end date yet?

That might explain why there has only been one Catholic President of the USA.

Kasich realized Trump is a liar and a con man only interested in himself and money.

And the fact it took him this long raises questions.

Smoke and mirrors, kabuki theater, shell game or whatever you want to call it, the “Impeachment” is the result of a dying Democratic/Socialist/Progressive Party. “They” moved 1 maybe 2 generation to early, those hiding behind the curtain got impatient, wanting to see the “GOAL” in their lifetime and they have caused their own destruction.

Interesting view of an alternate universe.

Libs are living in an alternative universe if they think the Senate is going to convict Donald Trump. Republican Senators know that their base would turn on them if they turn on Trump. Donald Trump is the Republican Party. If Kasich doesn’t like Trump then maybe he should change is party affiliation.

That mentality is going to be used a lot in the coming months.

Glad you are ahead of the thinking curve.

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