BREAKING: House Follows Senate, Passes Criminal Reform Bill, Heads to President’s Desk

Originally published at: BREAKING: House Follows Senate, Passes Criminal Reform Bill, Heads to President’s Desk | Sean Hannity

The House of Representatives followed the Senate Thursday and voted overwhelmingly to pass the President’s touted ‘Criminal Reform Bill,’ sending the legislation to Trump’s desk to be signed into law.

“The House approved the bill 358-36, sending it to Trump’s desk for his signature. The legislation was approved earlier this week by the Senate, 87-12. The passage marks a win for Trump as well as his senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, who advocated for the bill in the face of conservative resistance,” writes Fox News.

The new legislation -dubbed the First Step Act- would allow federal judges more flexibility in sentencing instead of rigid, minimum penalties. It also seeks to reduce prison sentences for specific drug offenders with “three strike” convictions.

“It also incentivizes prisoners to participate in programs designed to reduce the risk of recidivism, with the reward being an earlier release to either home confinement or a halfway house to complete their sentence,” adds the article.

Read the full story here.