Boy the libs Are Freaking Out Now - brennan Suggests 25th Amendment

Yes…I want to know if aliens have visited…and who really shot JFK.


Terrible things like exposing Brennan corruption?


I saw one of their earth land rovers outside of Dallas that Walmart confiscated.

Yeah this is what’s getting me about all these people lashing out, yes we know Trump is a sore loser but some of the people I hear saying this like Brennan and Comey these aren’t orphan choir boys.

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Axx, Trump is not merely a “sore loser”. Look what he’s been doing for week now sowing seeds of doubt in our most important democratic process - elections.
Yesterday he decapitated the DoD. Why?
Just watch what he does next, and next, and next. It’s going to get really ugly.
And the Republicans will do nothing to try to curb him; they’re terrified of the 70 million who voted for him.
It’s going to get much uglier. Just watch. It’s way beyond “sore loser”.

Because his SECDEF was working against him behind his back.

And it’s almost 72 million. 10 million more the any other republican.

Let the truth be told and then, let’s see who can…handle the truth?