Both team kneel at MLB opening game

Is it me??

I’ve bought zero tickets for this season. I did have some gifted to me. I hope they get their money back.

Let anyone who wants to see these ignorant displays go ahead and watch them.

I’m sure baseball will have a sudden resurgence of black fan support. I’m sure the libs in the street will be watching closely. I’m certain this will be a decision they will get a response to.

What is a combat sport? Paintball?


I don’t really follow baseball but it being on last night made this summer feel almost normal for a change.

I just had it on TV while doing other stuff around the house.

Btw, I don’t see why we can’t allow some fans into games, just space them out and enforce social distancing around concessions. F.e. Indy 500 will have 25% capacity crowd.

Korea had a pretty fun idea.


Was it a soccer game where they had the sex dolls ?

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Police brutality is an American value? How is bringing attention to a misjustice being disrespectful to the nation?


That’s quite a weird non sequitur

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You jumped into a conversation. If you weren’t interested in following it, why jump in the middle?

Each player should have a flag on a pole they can hug during the anthem.


Weird, conservatives use to love it


Was okay with this.
Just wish they played a better result from the game. Not having Juan Soto and watching Max give up bombs have me concern in this 60 game sprint.

Go Nats!

When he sat on his ass during the anthem.

Complete ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ What an asinine statement.

Is tying sports and kneeling to BLM propaganda?

That’s not BLM the organization. Or at least not the bulk of it.

That’s just the slogan.

It would be like renaming the KKK, “the Fuzzy Bunnyhuggers” and claiming that people that disliked them hated cute animals.

And the organization is not the cause.

Care to try again?

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President Trump is throwing out the first pitch at the Yankees game August 15, he’s also been a critic of kneeling. I’m sure there’ll be kneeling there so he’ll be tweeting about it afterwards.

Do you agree or disagree??


Maybe someone should start a “Klu Klux Klan” movement to fight Caucasian discrimination, but then claim the movement has nothing to do with the organization by the same name.