Bos'un's ChatBox

Just some random thoughts

I like Phil Collins and Genesis.

Just realized after hearing this song on an oldies channel, though

that the lyrics really are kind of creepy.

Man obsessed with a newscaster or other tv personality? That’s what it sounds like.

“I…I…get so lonely when she’s not there…”

Various news and other tv personalities have had stalkers. Am seeing the song in a totally different way than when it was newer and I was much younger.


Good post.

Someone keeps hacking into a TV in the cafeteria and playing Rick Roll music (Rick Roll music)

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Apparently at lunch they were playing someone dancing on a stripper pole.

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Higher learning factory.

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I swear next time I hear someone going on about how automation will be eliminating jobs I will unmask & laugh in his face.

I’ve dealt with automated systems that are far more grief and aggravation than they’re worth. No, I don’t want to see teens, stay at home parents with minimal job skills and retirees just wanting some pocket cash replaced with ■■■■■■■■ automated kiosks and struggling to find jobs.

So I go to our new, state of the art town library—which really is a local trip to look forward to—and now even checking out is automated. Great!

But today, it tells me I owe $30 :exploding_head: before I can check out other materials. Is it any of the books I returned to the young librarian because automated return is usually out of order?

No. The one I returned when it was actually “working”.

I refused to pay for something I finished and returned weeks ago, so they have to look for it.

You know, there just has to be some sort of fine line between such tasks as hand washing & drying laundry and so much automation there’s no human thinking, and it just hasn’t been found.

I remember when I was pregnant and didn’t find out sex before birth. I was floored by stupid questions and comments like “When will you find out?” and “Nobody will know what sort of present to get you”.

Anyone who can’t get off their arse & use their imagination, or even think of a gift certificate I don’t want their dumb gifts.

So anyway I checked out Miami attorney Janes Grippando’s A Death in Live Oak and one about American Indian traditions. I’m looking forward to reading on this :snowflake: :snowman: weekend!

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Endo pain is the worst. Every muscle in my body is sore. And when I sneeze… :rofl: :rofl:

Hope and prayers for you, Flame. Hope you feel better.

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In any case I hope you’re better soon.

Saw this earlier and was amazed:

I do hope this man gets a second chance and does well.

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Just got a bill for so called “diagnostic mammography”, and I say “so called” because really, more who get put through its ringer have benign changes and get put through the stress for nothing.

I’m not undergoing this service any more. Every year it’s the same thing, to find out I have nothing. I don’t believe breast cancer to be a truly treatable disease, and even if it were, no physician in the Commonwealth would discuss any treatment options with me—if in fact any exist, which I don’t believe they do—at least not without inserting their personal nastiness into the transaction.

I’ve been harshly judged by this establishment by so called “health care superheroes” for everything from becoming a mom late in life to using a small amount of marijuana. They ASSume I smoked the marijuana.

I guess they’ve never heard of baked goidies :yum: with it. Fine. Let them try having hip pain to the point it feels like the old Warner Brothers caricatures of African women, exaggeratedly rotund and the left and right halves of the body don’t move in sync, and see if they don’t break down & visit a dispensary.

I’m done with the establishment except maybe one routine physical. I have a good dentist & optometrist, but even for migraines I’m sticking with my weed, maybe go back to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Your ideas are well thought out and are articulate.

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What exactly does one do when a teen argues “All the other kids are getting (insert privilege here)”.?

In this instance it’s a “Sweet 16” party. Without getting into the specific expenses I’m paying, I can’t afford that and think it’s a silly custom.

I know I put my parents through that, everyone else gets to travel was one I remember, another was all the other kids have a car. Other than getting into arguments, I’m not remembering what my parents said or did.

I’m glad I didn’t get to take one trip in particular. A classmate who did got treated like garbage.

I’m at the point in my life where I honestly don’t care what others are doing. How to handle this one?

I have what I have to offer—night shift worker, more of an introverted homebody with two kittens, and it just isn’t working for her :frowning:

Part of me still feels like odd duck central and maybe that’s why I’m posting when I should be sleeping. It’s a different set of values that dominates in the Commonwealth.

I changed my mind about wanting to do some traveling awhile back. For one choice that’s made, another must be sacrificed. I’ve chosen to keep unwanted pets.

I don’t wish to be constantly dumping them on others for care, so I’m willing to forgo traveling. I’m not an extrovert by nature, so shun weddings, parties, baby showers.

While I normally don’t care what others do, numerous families get subsidized here—yet they seem able to rent in tony areas, travel, pay for stupid ■■■■ like sweet 16 parties & gender reveals. While I love my house & even my job, sometimes I wonder why I still work when others get subsidized & seem able to afford luxuries.

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I put a stop to getting dumped on today. Am feeling mighty proud!

I asked God for a spine, and He gave me a test, and I think I passed.

What was supposed to be a 50 50 split was getting more dumped on me, and finally I couldn’t take anymore and said I’m happy to help, but only for a limited number of hours.

If that’s not something tolerable to the other side, that’s their problem.


I so wish I had discovered the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, may he Rest In Peace, before this year, his last.

He had great wisdom about everything from loneliness and intimacy to preparing to have a child. I’m currently reading his How To Love, and all I can say is wow!

I wish I had discovered his wisdom decades ago. Here I am almost 55 and a lifelong westerner. Yet I truly believe eastern spiritual teachings like Buddhism and the meditation of Qigong have much wisdom and healing to offer.



Good morning Flame.

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Sorry to hear that.

I’ve known a few women who had endometriosis and it was quite painful.

Welcome back!

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Some thoughts re Rock and Smith at the Oscars:

That’s a pet peeve of mine, making fun of how another chooses to deal with a problem of theirs. Was Mr. Rock paying for dermatologist visits for Mrs. Smith? Buying her wigs, scarves, hats?


I feel the same about those making fun of folks for not wearing contacts—um, are you on their vision plan or paying for their corrective lenses? In the know about problems that make that not doable?—No? SHUT UP.

Hearing aids, choosing to lip read or ASL, how to get around with a particular injury or handicap, harassment of drivers using handicapped spaces because they’re not visibly handicapped—um, did you review their application to find a prosthetic limb, or handicapped child in it?—No? SHUT THE HELL UP!

I realize Mr. Rock is a comedien &, in all honesty, I enjoy his work. But with all the emphasis on free speech, truly I realize not every thought deserves a voice. When it comes to choices others make to treat or cope with problems that are theirs to bear, unless there is something constructive to offer them, SHUT UP!

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