BORDER CHAOS: Authorities Uncover Tunnel, Secret Railway Between US-Mexico

Originally published at: BORDER CHAOS: Authorities Uncover Tunnel, Secret Railway Between US-Mexico | Sean Hannity

Federal authorities uncovered an unfinished, underground passage connecting the United States and Mexico in recent days; equipped with solar-powered lights, a ventilation system, and a railroad running “the entire length of the tunnel.”

According to ABC, “U.S. and Mexican authorities uncovered an incomplete, solar-powered tunnel connecting the two countries in a remote area east of San Diego.”

“Border Patrol says the 600-foot long passage led into the small California town of Jacumba,” adds the website.

This is the second such discovery in recent weeks, with local authorities uncovering a hidden tunnel beneath a former fast food restaurant in Arizona.

Federal investigators believe similar tunnels exist all along the United States’ southern border with Mexico.

Read the full report here.

A wall would have stopped this tunnel dang it!

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