Border at breaking point...It's a Nat'l emergency

Under current US asylum law, there is no limit… You don’t want the president making up numbers without congress do you?

I would argue the whole problem is right there in your comment… The vast, vast majority of these asylum seekers are not Mexican Nationals… They are family’s from Guatemala per DHS’s own report…

2017-2018 was solely operated by Republicans. Why was there no emergency then?

And I would argue our systems are strained. I would also say, I don’t give a rat’s ass about a “family” from Guatemala when we have citizens of THIS country who need our help and resources are being diverted from them.

Let’s get our own backyard in order before we take care of someone else’s.

I agree they are strained… A couple of billion for shelters, medical care, etc. would help a lot and comply with the law…

So would judges to keep up with the flow. Where is the money for that? It is a multi-pronged approach that needs to be taken to this. A wall is just a part of it. We need to get serious and unite as AMERICANS, put aside our political differences.

I can agree with most of this statement. Walls work, yes… that’s why we have them in the areas we need them. Do we still have areas that a wall will help? Yes?
Judges and border agents are needed, we agree on that as well. Now let’s get the priorities straight.
The vast majority of those people coming up from the Northern Triangle have been going to ports of entry. That is where our system is most strained. That is where we have a humanitarian crisis that needs to be addressed.
There are areas that a wall is needed, but the vast majority of our wall along the southern border has been built. We need more agents and more technology. Both at points of entry and in the desolate areas.
Screaming about building a wall does not make it any more of a priority. It is behind more agents, judges and technology.

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I think you misunderstand. The “wall” has become a sticking point just like in a divorce when one party is willing to spend millions because the sticking point is the “toy truck grandpa gave me”.

As I said, this is a multi-pronged solution. We are not getting a straight story from EITHER side because their egos come first and foremost. First and foremost from the Americans they are hurting.

The “humanitarian crisis” needs to be addressed. Not by us, but by the citizens that are fleeing. We spilled our blood. Now stand up and spill your own if it worth it to you.

We, by being so soft on this are doing nothing more than putting a band-aid on a mortal wound and kicking the can down the road. All at the expense of citizens of THIS country.

That isn’t right in my book.

How does the wall prevent someone from applying for asylum?

The law needs to be changed. There is no reason to be granting asylum to people from any of those countries.

Since there is no reason for asylum, there’s no reason for hearings.

swoosh and over your head

You just need to go back to the “wall” as a taking point. Forget about anything else I said, just focus on the “wall”.

War of the Roses tried to build a wall. Didn’t work out too well.

Trump thought separating the families would be a good deterrent. That hasn’t worked.

I would suggest diplomacy, but I’m not sure Trump or anyone in his administration is capable of finding a diplomatic solution.

The immediate and long term solution is to bring in more judges, border agents and facilities. The caravans won’t stop immediately but they will slow over time.

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No. What I want is a wall. That way we have fewer people in detention.

You mean the money for new judges Democrats proposed and Trump rejected or the money already sitting in the coffers for new judges that Trump failed to spend?

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We need more courthouses for those judges too. We have less courts than judges.
Follow Henry Cuellar, House Rep in TX. He has some great insight on this.

I can only guess. My guess would be that the President believed that he could convince the liberal republican establishment to support border security. He could not. They dug in their heels. Now the numbers of border crashers have increased dramatically and we are in an emergency. Had the republicans done their jobs we would not be in this situation. Now the democrats are making the same mistake.

That is only a part of the solution.

As long as the democrats and open border crowd have the welcome sign flashing in neon lights the caravans won’t slow down.

We are robbing not only ourselves but these people to effect real change in their own countries by playing sugar daddy and codependent to them.

And there inlies a major difference between liberals and conservatives. A bridge that, unfortunately, is more and more difficult to cross every day.

Proposed? Sitting in the coffers? With what strings attached?


I agree. What aspects are Republicans willing to compromise on?

@kingarthur65 is great to engage with. I suspect we could have an actual discussion.

Your roll eye as a response? Done with you.