Border at breaking point...It's a Nat'l emergency

No I didn’t.

There is no metaphor unless you and those that keep repeating it are using “invasion” as a metaphor for those coming here seeking asylum.

If you aren’t then you must be literally referring to those asylum seekers as actual invaders, and everyone would like to know when in history has a country been under invasion where bloodshed didn’t happen.

Next I expect the usual we will use things like ADS and so on and so forth. :roll_eyes:

You mean the guy that was forced to leave his job because no one in his agency wanted him there and served just 7 months in the post? That informed person?

The same guy who testified in favor of comprehensive immigration reform and agrees with defacto amnesty.? That guy?

Well that was fun.

It doesn’t matter about “leftists”.

According to some, this is an invasion. If it truly is, and according to Trump, its a nation emergency, why isn’t he defending the border by having the military stand at the border, firing at the invaders? And then determining which countries are ordering the invasion, and start bombing.

Makes sense, right?

Of course it does.

Maybe to a leftist.

They still are if no one takes them in. Do you think their perils end as soon as they leave the country? This is comical.

That is helping in a way. No goalpost moving needed. If asylum is granted, that is helping.

1000+ Americans(just California) are murdered every year by drunk driving illegals from Mexico, my cousin was one of them about 25 years ago, by a guy that had been deported a couple times already, tell her children and her mom n dad there’s no crisis at the border, and they’ll tell you a story of loss and pain and the pain of separation from a loved one. The blood of these people are on the hands of those that push an agenda such as the Democrats.YLBD

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Yes you did. :roll_eyes:


It was February of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.


Even the border patrol chief, Carla Provost, says a wall will ‘most certainly’ help secure southern border". LINK Are we supposed to believe you above the border patrol chief whose job is to help secure our border?



The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and today’s funding Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

No I didn’t. :roll_eyes:

Are we supposed to believe you know the constitution above the 9 justices sitting on the SCOTUS who continually issue rulings against the way your walls of text say they should?

I guess if we are gonna play that game…

Of course she does. She was appointed by Trump.

Take a look at the facts from a guy that lives and works there.

What on earth are you talking about?


It was February of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.

President Trump is not failing at the border. It is the useless democrats in Congress that are failing at the border, by not backing our President to stop the flow of illegals trying to cross. Democrats do not care about the security of America, they only care about votes, and if the coddle the illegals they will vote democrat.

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The Domestic policies of the Democrats have failed the American people and 1000s upon 1000s of us have died because of them, try and tell the dead how there’s NO CRISIS at the border!
Godless, double minded, forked tongued, two faced lying hypocrites is all they really are.FACT

Representative Cuellar is expressing an opinion connected with Laredo, TX. His remarks do not in any way confirm we do not, in general, have a very real problem of illegal border crossings, which a substantial wall/barrier would help to relieve.

Border patrol chief, Carla Provost, is addressing the problem in general, and emphasizing the need for a wall in certain specified areas.


The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and the latest funding Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

In support of your post, here is a LINK showing some of the activities of ICE under President Trump during 2019. I think his Administration is doing their best with the limited resources at their disposal.


The Democrat and Republican Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and the latest government funding Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

When Obama was in the Whitehouse, Chuck and Nancy were out there with other Democrat leaders, pounding their podiums and demanding more border walls. It was only after Hillary DID NOT take the oath of office that border walls became immoral. They also didn’t complain when Obama’s administration separated families and put children in wire cages, remember all of those pictures that were actually taken before 2016. If they want to allow everyone from Central America into our country, then let them camp out around the walled in properties of Pelosi, Obama,Soros, etc. And the rest of us can go ahead and take over the countries like Honduras and El Salvadore, that they are abandoning. I’m sure that we have more than enough former military, police and others that would like to clean out the remaining bad guys. Also, Congress passed the several laws that gives the

Congress passed the several laws that give the President the authority to move money around for border defense of any type. Now the Dems don’t want him to use the authority they gave him.

I thought you ran away to Italy already…