Bomb Found at Bill and Hillary's House

You left out the part where the left wing pansies burn cars, break windows, destroy public property and beat up people who disagree with them. ■■■■ liberals.

Hillary did it.

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It seems there was no White House bomb.

Back to deranged Trumper theory!

Apparently the White House got one, too.


Maybe not.

Lone wolf!one wolf!

This is the obvious and natural progression that comes from such horrifically dangerous rhetoric propagated from the highest office in the land and with the loudest megaphone on Earth. I’ve been warning of this happening from the beginning.

Suspicious packages at CNN as well? Color me surprised.

Exactly. Great post!

If this person or persons is a trump support this will make trumps recent comment about being a nationalist even more concerning…the right will naturally claim this doesn’t speak for everyone and this is some lone wolf…

But you can look at the rallys…the rage is there…the fear…the boos…America has become an ugly place…

I feel sorry for those people in the caravan thinking thisnisnsome great bastion…meanwhile these people would and want to send in marines…and if they had to open fire these folks wouldnt give two ■■■■■ and blame the migrants

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This topic is temporarily closed for 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

When the thread re-ops – behave. One person already bought a time out in the thread.

I’m thinking it taken lot long to make/build em and send them out then two days since Trump made that comments…but don’t let that little details get in your way.

Key word is if and trump had been playing off the Patriotism,nationalism, media is the enemy for awhile now…

Good try tho…

Unless you know the person who is responsible for this, you have no way of knowing when he started.

either way rump comment on him being a nationalist has nothing to do with it.

As I stated in other thread…their are many forms of nationalism.

I’m a nationalist…a civil nationalist. Nothing changed when I first made that claim in over 12 years here.

FBI will catch those that are responsible…and they will be put away for very long time.

It’s something they’re really good at.

Trump isnt a civic nationalist…

Trump doesn’t know what he is. I’m sure he hasn’t spend lot of time studying it as I have.

Hopefully we can refrain from making another thread topic shift to Conan’s favorite topic, which is how darn consistent he is in his personal beliefs.

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