Bob Mueller speaking at 11 A.M

There is none…Russian bots become Hillary bots and now you spend forever arguing there was never really any Hillary bots. Then you become tired of the argument while people like him just keep on plowing ahead with the Hillary bot line…

This is what happens when you have to treat every statement as valid and not just be able to call it out for being moronic and thus making the world a stupider place for it even existing


Funny coming from you.

Mueller is the finest type man this coutnry has to offer, and Trump has done such a great job of conning his followers, that they actually think Mueller is the bad guy.

Anyone who believes Trump over Mueller, considering both of their backgrounds, has a massive character flaw. Disgraceful.


You can worship Mueller all you want…but to me he’s just another goverment bureaucrat who will put his beloved agency above the people.

Don’t like it…too bad.

There were 13 Democrats on Mueller’s team. And Mueller himself is a registered Republican.

Trump will put what is good for Trump above everything.

The fact that he is getting good people to tear down the country for it is the part that I find really sad.

Need some tissues?

Nah man… I am good.

I am living in a successful part of the country devoid of animosity towards my fellow citizens.

What I am feeling is pity and sadness that there is a large enough portion of the country that is so disaffected that they would fall for such an obvious con when they are the ones who are going to get hurt the most by it.

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What I’m trying is prevent libs from turning this country into a replica of old Soviet Union.

Oh wait my bad…China is libs model now. Where political opposition isn’t tolerated.

From these post it’s obvious you have no idea what libs want to do. Just knee-jerking winger radio propaganda.


Says the guy who wants libs gone from America. Lol.

I know libs will defend using our top law enforcement and intelligent community as a political weapon against their political enemies.

Where are true liberal when you need em?

Yes, it is.

That’s the exactly the legal definition of hearsay.

Let me give you a real-life example.

A friend of mine of had been in an abusive relationship for a couple of years. She told me about it around two years ago when I noticed bruises on her arm.

About six months ago, things finally came to a head, she called the cops and he was arrested for assaulting her, and that relationship was finally over.

His trial happened last week, and I testified as a witness.

I was only allowed to testify that I saw bruises on her arm. I was not allowed to testify as to what she told me when I asked her about them.

Because that’s hearsay.

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You can only quote what you’ve been told by your radio. No going rogue.

It’s such a lazy, uninformed and boring way to discuss anything.


Hey everybody: See how serious the problem is?

Definitely. The vocabulary of many RWNJs is so limited that “beloved” must be used even when it doesn’t make any sense.

Had top be mostly Dems.

Repubs have proven for quite some time now that they lack the integrity and guts to stand up to Trump because of the rightwing media, which is really what they’re afraid of, not Trump.

Like i said…just plow on