BLUE WAVE CRASHING: Trump Congratulates California GOP After Big Primary Night | Sean Hannity


They are here illegally. If they have issues with being treated as such, they need to thank mummy and daddy or the relative who sent/brought them to the United States in an unlawful way.

I thought you guys were pro life?

I think healthcare should be a right, not a privilege. So yeah, let’s make sure people don’t die before we worry about a road.

Millions and millions.

Make no mistake that the Democrat agenda is racism and reparations. The Democrat Party was the Party of Andrew Jackson began a history of great inhumanity. Anyone who embraces this political party name puts their seal of approval on all of its debauchery and treason. We are pulling civil war statues down lets pull down the party that put them up.

Indeed, let’s pull down the party of state’s rights, small federal government and tradition values! You know, the ones who put up the statues.

Sorry, but Cox will not win California. The most populous parts of the state will rally behind Newsome.

Do you think the residents of California want to become another Oklahoma, Kansas, or any other poor red state? We went through hell with Arnold at the helm and Brown turned this state around with a $6 billion surplus.

listen… I think libs are at their breaking point. So go easy on 'em.

I’m a right leaning moderate.

On many social issues I have a slight lean left. Gay marriage – not hurting me. Abortion, up until it’s viable should be a decision between A woman, hopefully the man, and their god.

On financial and other social issues, I lean righ – in som circumstances extreme right.

Unfortunately it sounds like you’re without a home in our two party political system.


But when it comes to do social issue vs regulatory and economic. I’ll fall to the candidate that meets the regulatory and economic side every time.