Blue State Inflation Cure

No, things are going quite swimmingly in Florida, I assure you.

Are you getting some of that free DeSantis government cheese?


Do I sound like a Democrat to you?

The economy is bombing and there are many available jobs for those that can read and write.

Seems like an oxymoron. Did you mean “booming”? Why is DeSantis sending $450 of taxpayer money per child to unemployed and underemployed people in Florida?

Perhaps because we have so many newly arrived, non-English Speaking aliens from God knows where.

You know, people with no education, no skills, no background history, and with hungry children.

DeSantis intended this money for immigrants and not Americans? Why would he do that?

Why not? Florida has twenty billion in reserve. Not remotely the same as Biden printing it.

Perhaps because we aren’t heartless and allow children to go hungry just because we didn’t invite them here. Biden bussed/flew them here and we’re pretty much stuck with them for the time being.

However, I do understand that the Mayor of D.C. is squealing like a stuck pig because we sent a few hundred there for relocation.

According to the Republican narrative giving immigrants free things is why they come here so why is DeSantis perpetuating the cycle?

Did you read the article I posted? He’s giving away federal money, so Biden printed it and DeSantis is spending it. And, unless I’m mistaken, the premise of the thread is that it’s unwise to give away even more money in response to high inflation. I guess DeSantis disagrees and thinks government cheese is the answer.

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Too bad the payscale sucks.

The interstate runs in both directions and no one is forcing anyone to be here, but for some reason I see lots and lots of out-of-state plates, and more recently many from California.

The coasts are beautiful. Golf and fishing galore.

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I don’t recognize you as the authority on “The Republican Narrative.”

Straw men get no attention from me.

Doesn’t matter inflation wise whether the government spends it or they give it to people to spend.

Spends it where

Except for the ones you erect