BLM rioters throw bricks at Ronald McDonald House

There comes a point at which this ■■■■ needs to be stopped with whatever force is necessary and we’re long past that point.

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Just wait for the usual suspect to come in and say, “Prove this was sanctioned by BLM leadership”.

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Speak up about what? How about 70% of black children being born in single parent homes?

I say bring back the water cannons. Yeah I said it.


Economic inequality fueled by racism. Generational wealth gap effecting black Americans.

Distorted history, not talking about the horrendous atrocities that occurred after the Civil War.

Of course, those things probably has not had an effect of of the stability of black Americans.


Thank you.

They’ve been here already, early in the thread. It was predictable.

Some of that exists. I do not question that.

Throwing bricks at the RMD House won’t help, and it is totally inexcusable.

I am totally shocked that liberal media seems to be quiet on this. :roll_eyes:

True. But their black leadership does. So do rich, elite, white liberals who live in gated communities.


I concur.

They do it because they know that in democratic controlled areas, they will not be held accountable. If there are charges, they are typically dropped.


For what? Oh you’re playing the race card.

Take away racial history it was safe, effective crowd disbursement.

I’d take a squirt over a rubber bullet any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Maybe it was Hells angels and the umbrella man. What was his name again?

Sure…that could be a possibility. But it is really just a guess.

For your honesty.

Try it sometimes…

It’s a pretty solid observation. It depends on the news source. Some don’t like to cover this kind of thing.

Try what?

If you are accusing me of lying, or not being truthful…Well, lets just say that it BS, and in poor taste, and is not appreciated.

I do not lie. I hate liars.