BLM Rioters in Kenosha, WI Destroyed Struggling Small Business

Dude, dudester, el duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing - if you guys would focus on reigning in the cops you wouldn’t have to clutch your pearls about what follows from extrajudicial executions, or attempts thereat.


And how does burning a small business to the ground remedy this, exactly ?


Nevermind businesses are made of families trying to make a living amirite

It doesn’t. But, you do get that I’m not pretending to remedy reactions to police violence.

I am making it clear, I guess, that all this whining about reactions to police violence ignores the causative, which is police violence.

Here is another way to see it: you don’t old-man holler at the glass in your foot. You stop the ■■■■■■■ who keep breaking the glass.

You know, the cops.

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Reign in the cops. Treat the disease, not the disgust.

Sorry, I don’t think it’s whining anymore than complaining about police’s thuggish tactics is whining. Isn’t it possible to admit that both are wrong without dismissing the other side’s grievance as whining ?

No, both-sidesism ignores the institutional power of the police, their corruption, the power imbalance, and their murder-impunity.

If you ignore that, or handwave it like the op, you embrace the power of the cops. You endorse their impunity.

Reign in the cops, first. It is that simple.

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Milkshakes can be deadly…

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Lets look at no-knock warrants.

No protests. No riots. No pressure or incentive to change.

Largest protests in American history. Some riots. Extreme pressure and incentive to change.

It’s in everyone’s best interest to listen while people are still peaceful, because the inevitable results are not pretty.


Business owners have nothing to do with police. BLM picks them like a school yard bully.

Your mistake is assuming that your comic book bete noire villain caricature, BLM, is targeting small business owners because nefarity.

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Burning and looting businesses is no where near peaceful

The inciting incidents aren’t very peaceful either.

no they target those they feel they can pick on without recourse. BLM are showing they will go after the easiest targets. They are no more than coward little vagrants.

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None of which, of course, has to do with torching a small business.

Ok… so how exactly are businesses that are being torched responsible for questionable behavior by law enforcement ?

So, handwaving, then.

Well, it just make zero sense.

Sort of like invading Iraq under pretenses of 9/11 and causing immeasurable destruction and loss of life and resources and then when asked about why we had to invade Iraq , responding “Well, you see - 9/11, 9/11, 9/11 !!!” :man_shrugging:

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Cops, an organization with built-in immunity: unfortunate, problem the shootees’s fault anyway.

Protesters, not homegenous, reacting to institutional violence: nefarious bullies who deliberately burn, en masse, innocent buildings.

Is that about it?

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You’ve made your preference clear.

Libertarians: anarchists who want police protection from the slaves.