BLM/Biden supporters attack Trump supporters at the Trump rally in DC

Maybe, just maybe, Democrats suck.

You don’t get to ignore your thugs. Sooner or later you have to deal with them.


Why is it cause and effect only seems to be true on Republicans and conservatives? Why is it you Libs only condemn violence against your own but pretend violence against Republicans is non existent or made up? Or worse yet, justified?

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Of course it’s justified.

You know the definition of insanity?


No, go on.

By who though?

Doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different result.

Not ignoring them. Not creating a permissive environment for them to operate in. Not calling it anything but what it is.

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Ya I get that point I am referring to a scenario were both sides are shooting and then that trend continues. That is my fear if it doesn’t stop, it wouldn’t be the first time that had happened in other countries.

Violence against libs? Or violence against black people?

People definitely attack Trump supporters and that is uncalled for.

Well, the only solution to that is to throw the Constitution away and tell all its’ sycophants to ■■■■ off.

Like throw all that garbage away.

Control your terrorist organizations before talking about violence at BLM rallies.

401 years of slavery and oppression. The patriarchy. White privilege. Master and slave power imbalance. Ignorance. Lack of empathy. Inequity.

Whoa whoa whoa. The entire Trump presidency has been about creating a permissive environment for bad actors and fringe groups to operate in.

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People shouldn’t attack fellow Americans regardless of race or ideology. I have little in common with someone on the far left or far right but I never felt like blasting someone. I fear it’s inevitable but pray I am wrong.

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Yes. Violence is uncalled for. So tell BLM to stop calling for it and maybe people wouldn’t assume they’re responsible for it when it breaks out at their events.

Already addressed.

That’s your narrative.