According to Gallup, nearly two-thirds of Israelis now oppose a Palestinian state, given what Hamas did to them, and to Gaza — and given the pro-terror sympathies of the corrupt Palestinian Authority, which governs most Palestinians in the West Bank.
That is a radical reversal from the position of most Israelis just a decade ago, when “twice as many Israeli adults supported an independent Palestinian state (61%) as opposed one (30%).” Hamas’s rocket and terror attacks are responsible for the change.
Complete Israeli control of everything between the Jordan and the Mediterranean is the official lsraeli policy. For the clip from Netanyahu and commentary see video starting at 60 seconds.
Is this policy something that US taxpayers should be subsidizing?
Can anyone name a foreign policy success by this admin. Or the Obama admin for that matter.
The dem’s leaders are really stupid, but think they are brilliant. I’m sure they think it’s the world and not their policy, that way they can keep telling themselves how brilliant they are.