Blended Sentencing

Not true and no.

of course. humans evolve. back in 1784. life expectancy for a white human male was less than 40. we would both be dead and buried already. now we discuss things on this very forum, both very much alive.

in 250 years, they will talk about this era as the dark ages.

humans will again evolve exponentially


[quote=“biggestal99, post:82, topic:246988”]
of course. humans evolve. back in 1784. life expectancy for a white human male was less than 40. we would both be dead and buried already. now we discuss things on this very forum, both very much alive.

in 250 years, they will talk about this era as the dark ages.

humans will again evolve exponentially

You mean medicine has evolved. People are still the same as they were
hundreds of years ago.

And no, we don’t need to update the Constitution.


nope humans. who develops medicine?

human beings.

people are so much different than 250 years ago. humans understand so much more.

i guess human progress is a four letter word for righties.


Human morality and empathy does not equal technological progress.

We aren’t that much more morally sophisticated or empathetic than the Romans were. We think we are because of our technology.

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cato disagrees

“Humanity has made enormous progress—especially over the course of the last two centuries. For example, average life expectancy in the world today is 67.9 years. In 2010, global per capita income stood at $13,037—over 10 times what it was two centuries ago.

It is not only income and life expectancy that are improving. Harvard’s Steven Pinker has documented a propitious decline in physical violence. He writes,

Tribal warfare was nine times as deadly as war and genocide in the 20th century. The murder rate in medieval Europe was more than thirty times what it is today. Slavery, sadistic punishments, and frivolous executions were unexceptionable features of life for millennia, then were suddenly abolished. Wars between developed countries have vanished, and even in the developing world, wars kill a fraction of the numbers they did a few decades ago. Rape, hate crimes, deadly riots, child abuse—all substantially down.”



It has been updated. 27 times

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The Constitution HAS evolved through the amendment process, the ONLY proper way for it to evolve. The “living constitution” is a road to judicial usurpation. One of the first acts was the creation of substantive due process in the decision of Dred Scott v Sandford. A clue right away that living constitutionalism is a highway to hell.

I disagree that humans have evolved since 1700’s. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Khomeini, Khamenei, the antisemitic clowns today at campuses, the right wing clowns on January 6th. Humans have increased technology, lifespans and standards of living, but we are still the great apes that walked the earth and begat ■■■■ Sapiens. Have you ever watched our closest relatives the chimps and bonobos. Nasty little bastards aren’t they.

We are pretty much the same, we just hide it behind a mask of politeness.

But we are just a major act away from putting Hitler and Stalin to shame in terms of body count.

No, we haven’t evolved ONE ■■■■■■■ BIT and we never will.

One day, man will destroy himself utterly.

The best we can hope for is to try to keep the lid on our worst impulses until that day arrives.

I have no issue with the death penalty, provided that it is absolutely certain that the defendant is guilty.

And it is the legislature that should determine attainders, in accordance with public wishes, not the judiciary.


You do know that the medieval Europeans regressed in comparison to the Romans during that era correct?

I’m not comparing us to Medieval Europeans. I’m comparing us to the Romans of the Republic and the Empire.

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Look at the intelligence level then and now. Even @biggestal99 admitted people are getting dumber.

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Oh for sure people are getting dumber.

Our ancient ancestors raised children while being hunted by Sabre tooth tigers.

Nowadays we need cars to tell us when a kid is in the backseat to keep from burning them all to death.

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Our technology is a double edged sword. It’s definitely made some things better. But it’s also arguably made us dumber and less able to survive without it.

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You have that backwards Allan. Humanity has devolved, not evolved.

The unchanging Constitution is about the only thing preventing us from free-falling into chaos.

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None of that has anything to do with the evolution of humanity.

Sometimes for the worse.

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First hand experience? :wink:

you dont have to make an amendment, we already have one in the 14th.


the equal protection clause and as you well know the death penalty is not applied evenly.


Is New Jersey applying the 2nd evenly?