Black NFL Players are “baboons” and “ignorant”

Who built it on racism? Can we just throw him out of the country? Put him in jail… or something?

Well? Did you find the people who built the country on racism? We would all like to beat his ass.

Interesting… what of her comments did you agreee with?

For me, all of her commentary is what I believe a major of white cons think but just don’t say it out loud. Most cons stick to “disrespect the flag” “disrespect our veterans” “you can protest, but my time”

Some cons go the next step “they don’t even know why they are protesting” “they are spoiled” “shut up and play football” “Sons of b’s”

And very few, like the woman in the OP go nuclear. However to me they are all along the same spectrum of racism. Partly because the people trying to change the narrative of the black NFL players are arrogant enough to believe they know better than them. That’s the definition of white supremacy.

Yeah, definitely run with this. Give those southern conservatives what for.

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Didn’t say that did I?

Just pointing out how some say something racist and they are hung out to dry. While others specifically point out they are/were racist and not a peep about it.

What if white people did it! Drink!

What would happen on the boards here is a white person said when they were younger they said “I didn’t want anything to do with black people.”

Didn’t exactly condemn it either.

Also, you’re comparing LeBron talking about his reaction to being around a ton of white people for the first time as a kid to this lady calling black peoples apes and telling them to go back to Africa. That’s apples to adjustable rate mortgsges.

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They’d be telling the truth.

It’s 2018 white party is copl with white nationalist?

Yep, they were called Dixiecrats.

afraid to answer i see

locked in by your own racial narratives

This is why democrats did so well in 2016. Disagree with me and you’re a racist.

The woman is clearly an ignorant racist.

He also left out the rest of LaBron’s conversation where they say in the end it didn’t matter because they all ended being best friends

Some of it is racist some of it is not and true.

Yep you can tell by the fact that we nominated and elected a black man for potus.

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looks like a political hit piece. And I for one, don’t care one way or the other.

Well that’s a fresh spin. An article using a politician’s own words… their own blatantly racist words…is now just a political hit piece. Man there is some next level justification going on in this thread. Nice to be reminded often that racism is alive and well and some people just don’t care one way or another.

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Repeating her words verbatim is a hit piece?

It says he adjusted to it. What’s your problem?