It looks like a billionaire-funded astroturf campaign is a Democrat answer to Trump and DOGE.
“Families Over Billionaires is nothing more than a front group for the dark money behemoth Sixteen Thirty Fund,” Americans for Public Trust executive director Caitlin Sutherland told The Post. . . “It’s the height of irony that a group that has received at least $280 million from a foreign national is trying to brand themselves as fighting for American families.”
As described in the Post article, Family Over Billionaires is part of a complex web of billionaire-funded leftist groups:
“They created an intentionally complex web of interrelated organizations that espouse anti-corporatist beliefs and call themselves grassroots — but really serve to consolidate power into the hands of a few influential individuals,” a former New Venture Fund official told the Free Press, which first reported on the ties between the Arabella network and Families Over Billionaires.
The DC-based Arabella Advisors’ network of nonprofits is known to have raked in eye-popping amounts of cash across its vast network of progressive groups, including $1.3 billion in 2023.
Billionaires George Soros, Pierre Omidyar, Bill Gates and Reid Hoffman have publicly disclosed multi-million donations to the network.
Reports have recently emerged that participants in recent anti-Musk protests were paid $40/hour.
Being a billionaire is not the problem. The problem is billionaires that are trying to control the government to benefit them. It is about time billionaires that lean left get into the game.
RW Billionaires have been doing that for decades, bankrolling all kind of entities that pushes a RW agenda. AM radio stations, multiple think tanks, local small state elections among other things. The RW machine has more influence than any LW entity. They have played the long game well…and it has worked. They are now over reaching and people are waking up.
The RW cannot win on their ideas, as the majority of people do not support them. So they tip the scales with massive money supporting the RW agenda. They followed Powell’s memo to a T. And it has worked.
The left is all a facade of bored elites playing psyops games with stupid people. All of their protestors are paid actors with a few useful retards sprinkled throughout. All of their riots are pre-planned events.
Polls show people support :
Medicare for all
raising taxes on the wealthy ands large corps
Free or affordable college or trade school
Mandatory paid vacations
Break up monopolies
Raise the Federal Min Wage
Keeping the vote secure, and easier for more people to vote
Conservatives want affordable colleges. That doesn’t mean government paying for everybody. In fact, government has been lax in forcing colleges to keep raising prices.
Breaking up monopolies may have been a conservative/liberal divide in 1910
Securing the vote? That is what conservatives want, not the left.
Now, where is your take on border security?
Enforcing immigration laws?
Affirmative action in hiring and school admissions?
Allowing girls to have their own girls only sports?
If a league allows boys to participate on a girls’ team, they are LIBs. Pretty straightforward stuff. That subject matter should never even come up for consideration.
What steps do cons want to use make college more affordable.
1910? TR broke of the monopolies with the Tillman act, which was enforced until the 1980’s.
The law is still n the books, but is no longer enforced, Why?
Cons “secure” the vote by making it difficult to vote under the guise that voter fraud is an tissue that plagues our elections. Except multiple studies by various entities has shown it is extremely rare.
What cons do know, when more people vote, the chances of cone winning goes down.
Take a look at the massive voter suppression that has occurred over the last 30 years. Cons do this, to win elections. Some cons have admitted it…but not so much anymore.
I am all for border security. I also believe if we truly took the incentive away for people to come here, less would try. But cons do not scream for the laws to be enforced regarding employers hiring these folks. (like they do for a wall)