BILL’S BAGGAGE: Democratic Candidates DITCH CLINTON During 2018 Campaign

Originally published at: BILL’S BAGGAGE: Democratic Candidates DITCH CLINTON During 2018 Campaign | Sean Hannity

Once one of the most sought-after closers in modern political history, Democratic candidates across the country have reportedly stopped asking Bill Clinton to stump in key races going into 2018 and 2020.

In a story published by the New York Times titled, “No One Wants to Campaign With Bill Clinton Anymore,” the former President found himself isolated through much of the midterm election cycle.

“As Democrats search for their identity in the Trump era, one aspect has become strikingly clear: Mr. Clinton is not part of it. Just days before the midterm elections, Mr. Clinton finds himself in a kind of political purgatory, unable to overcome past personal and policy choices now considered anathema within the rising liberal wing of his party,” writes the Times.

This election cycle, Clinton “has only appeared at a handful of private fund-raisers to benefit midterm candidates, according to people close to him.”

Read the full story here.