Bill Maher and Mike Cernovich actually agree

You called it. Between posts I’ve been cooking a crawfish etoufee. My specialty. Dark roux.

Yes. The Democrats have been using the incidents at the Capitol as a pretext to declare war on their political opponents.

Mike Cernovich would say that is because the US is just a puppet state under the control of China. I think that he may be too pessimistic; the US is under the control of an alliance includes the FBI, CIA, media oligarchs, Democratic Party, and the Chinese Communist Party. It is not clear who controls whom.

My guess is that the CIA and FBI are still independent of China even if they have formed an alliance for now. Trying to figure out what is happening is like guessing about Soviet politburo politics after the death of a Soviet leader.

For now the interests in the alliance coincide; they all are stridently opposed to Trump and his supporters. Will the CIA and FBI break with China at some point once they send sufficient numbers of Trump supporters to prison?

If they split, who will the mockingbird media follow?

And that is pertinent how?

Oh hi QAnon terminology.


QAnon is BlueAnon terminology.

It that is what QAnon is about, I might just have to look more into it :thinking:

How so?

It’s “that’s what you are but what am i” school of debate

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“Mockingbird media” is specific to QAnon.

The sane ones, avoid conspiracy laden preservers.

If I was told someone is honestly arguing that the group of people chanting to hang their opposition, disrupting the transition of power In an attempt to install a dictator and invading the US capital were not the ones trying to commit a coup, It was actually the side who won the democratic election in a landslide. I’d bet my house it was a troll.

This is a real opinion

Democrats have called for violence against Trump and his supporters many times:

Trump had to shelter in a bunker because Blantifa rioting next to the White House:

Biden exploited the violence at the White House in a campaign ad:

Democrats seem to have collective amnesia about all the violence they have supported and/or exploited for political gain.

Democrats in DC are certainly too paralyzed with “fear to face the people”. They need razor wire and troops around the Capitol while leaving the borders undefended.

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Oh Bull ■■■■■ Where do you come up with this kind of crap? The Mockingbird media has been around since before you were born.

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Great company.

The Vietnam war is ancient history and is fading in peoples minds.


Someone doesn’t know what the word ancient means.

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Lol no it hasn’t.

I know…I’m such a failure…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Operation Mockingbird was an alleged large-scale program within the CIA to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. The program is thought to have been born out of the CIA’s forefather, the Office for Strategic Services (OSS), which existed from 1942 to 1947.

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Yeah I know what it’s from. The term didn’t exist. It’s a Q thing.
