Big trouble for AOC?

…but enough about democrats


did aoc refuse to take a tour of the facilities that was offered to her?

You and AOC are like twins.

Thank goodness Congress is finally doing its job and approved more funding.
If Trump vetoes that bill, then I will agree to a thread blaming him.

Again why the personal attacks?

Asking posters to follow the rules is authoritarianism


Telling? In what way? Did you also learn something today? If so what did you learn? :thinking:

Wait until someone does that to him. hair pulling and gnashing of the teeth will abound with a lot of whining to the authorities.


Maybe. But Princess Alexandria probably looks better in a Bikini.

I hope Cummings brings her in to testify about her experience at the border. At least that will be fun.That boring old fart hasn’t had an original thought since 1985. I don’t want to be put to sleep.

I gotta feeling that this is one of those “2 sets of rules” issues. Ain’t that right con?

She’s on the committee :rofl::rofl::joy::rofl:


I bet she can dance better too. :wink:

Is she really! So she gets to grill the people who gave her, her “me too” moment? This is getting better all the time! :blush:

AOC should demand minimum concentration camp incarceration time so the illegals could afford the $7 croissants at New York airports

You heard me! The gall, the arrogance, the audacity of leftist liberal lying hacks is off the charts! AOC is a lying witch with a capitol B and I don’t believe a word of what she says. Any humanity crisis at the border can be fixed by Congress if the freaking Dems wanted to, but the don’t they like the human misery they can blame on others.

You a mod, bro?

You would win that bet.

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Maybe you can be outside supporting AOC. You both want the same thing.

Really? What is it that we both want?

no need to get personal