Big tech regulation?

I don’t like that.

Moderation is gonna happen. And unless the government wants to get involved in saying what a private company can moderate, there’s no way to change that.

Disinformation like talking about the Wuhan lab as the source of the virus? Or that Hunter Biden’s lap top was real? That kind of disinformation?

Which part do you want to end?

No more moderation of the internet?

Or are companies to be held liable for what their users post?

Look I get that you think FB moderates unfairly. I just don’t think there is a way of changing that with government intervention. Just as Fox filled a hole for Right Wing media and competed against the old broadcasting networks, someones got to build a platform that appeals enough with conservatives to compete with Facebook.

I’m all for free speech. The more the better. So, Both would be fine for me. Make the internet like a phone call

Yeah its a nice soundbite but it won’t work.

Disinformation like when the NY Post reported about Hunters laptop and disinformation about scientists who said the Covid virus may actually have been developed in a lab?
So you just label any disagreements with the Biden administration or whatever Democrat is running for office to be “disinformation”.
Stalin could have agreed to,free speech as long as he could have removed any “disinformation “.

Look I get that you don’t agree with FB’s moderation. What do you want to do about it? Ending sec 230 won’t do the trick.

A free conservative platform what they are trying to stop. The last thing they want is a platform where reps can talk freely? So the push for more censorship.

She a dem hack and plant. 60 mins knows it. You’ve been fooled in my opinion This is about 2022.

Facebook could still win lawsuits if not at fault…just like Foxnews. Ending 230 just puts them on the same legal ground as everyone else.
And…things like all the tech giants coming together to ban downloading of Parlor? There has to be antitrust questions when they do things like that.

That’s a piss poor excuse.

What would that look like? You want Facebook to moderate less?


4 items doesn’t seem huge. No doubt others could be added.

My list is based on my not trusting them.

Yeah, and particularly one as nuanced as this. I just doubt congress could handle it affectively.

But I also truly believe social media is a serious problem for the country in a couple of important ways, not the least of which is the negative affect on kids.

Pretty tough puzzle.

The State is not the parent.

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So that’s one issue, but not the one brought up by the whistleblower, who described the known detrimental effect on kids.

I don’t think TOS is censorship, and ultimately, they own their site and decide what kind of content can be posted on it. Unless we are prepared to consider social media akin to telephone connections. (I think that’s absurd, but some argue that way)

Why not?

Did you listen or read any of the testimony yesterday? It was not on Disninformation, but it was thought provoking.

But even if they did everything you asked for… you still wouldn’t trust them… right?

Ending 230 will result in MORE moderation, and delete posts. Not less.