#BidensHealth 👴🏻 - Joe Biden twice says that current British head of state is Margaret Thatcher at fundraiser

Some thought they were voting for the Devil to keep Hillary away in 2016. Turns out we received a saviour!

as long as he didn’t say it with a slight Indian accent…

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Man, if Trump had done that and not corrected himself his supporters would be on here telling us that he was right and that Thatcher is still the British PM to this day.


People should stop checking him out of the home after dark.

So exciting! :clap:

Biden just plagiarized Trump’s thinking process so he could deflect from anything about Ukraine.
Bidden intentionally left off “raine” from Ukraine to stutter into talking about Uk.

So true…

Remember those times when…

Trump forgot the words to the National Anthem?

Or to God Bless America?

Those were fun times.



Democrat Politicians are usually delusional in general. lol.

But Margaret Thatcher, was an Amazing woman!!!

Speaking of Hillary isn’t she like dead yet? I mean she could barely stand up during her campaign.

Joe Biden makes a mistake.

Obese Donald is a mistake.

Case closed!

Somebody here should keep track of all the tactics that were used against Hillary that will now be used against Biden and the other democrats. I bet it’s a very, very similar.

I wonder if Biden has ever visited the site of 7/11?

At least Biden visited 7-Eleven and a Dunkin’ Donuts to prove he has a slight Indian accent

That doesn’t make any sense.

This is a great thread. It shows that there is always going people who buy into the failing health scam of Democrats that fake news is trying to push.