Biden's love affair with the World Health Organization and tyranny!

I was? Provide the documentation. :roll_eyes: The old saying goes “Put up or shut up”!

The forum is gone. You know that. I know that. But come on now.

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Stop with the crap. I was never “obsessed” with creeping Sharia.


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., the people are disarmed and suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large on the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.

Fineeee if i can’t prove it. I will rescind me wild accusation but i am watching you :eye: :smiley: kidding about the last part or am i


Getting back to the subject of the thread, why is Biden being told to suck up to the WHO which is a politically motivated creation, and one which disseminated inaccurate information concerning the COVID outbreak?


They jump from one bogeyman to the next. Its a constant tirade of drivel that the US is somehow on the verge of being destroyed. Yet that destruction, those apocalyptic prediction never come to pass.

Talking of the apocalypse I wonder where all those “suitcase nukes” are today which we were told by so many posters (and Glenn Beck$ back in the early to mid noughties had been smuggled into the US over the southern border?


…cuz Obama said so.


Watch the end when it lists the head of the WHO listing how effective the vaccines were at stopping being infected by the virus. It’ll provide you a chuckle…promise. :+1: :sunglasses:

Look at the 52 second mark.

Because of conservative folks. Not that libs would care much less embrace it.

I swear libs are the epitome of boiling frogs. “Nothing to see here!”


What was the price of oil prior to Covid-19?

Does anyone in the FDA understand supply and demand or just regulations? Can someone be proactive if they are a government employee or is that up to the private sector to solve?

No because its never going to happen. Its the stuff of conservative porn that the UN or some other outside entity is going to take over.

I have been on these forums since 2004 and similar doomsday predictions have never come true and they have run the gamut from Sharia law, container trucks of illegals infected with ebola, Obama inviting the UN in to “peacekeep”. All of it complete ■■■■■■■■ but still cons need a bogeyman.

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Well, I have seen them come true . . . the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, International Monetary Fund, etc., etc., …

Our Global Governance Crowd is very real!

Have you been sleeping for the past several generations?

Hmmm…all of those things existed before I was even born (except the WTO)

But it’s weird despite your claims, that none of them actually govern me.

Your experience seems to be quite different. Do you live on a raft in international waters?

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Seems to me the WHO has in fact been very influential in your life for the past two years. Were you asleep for the past two years?

Influential? Maybe, but it seems to me most info I received came from the CDC, and my local health department.

Even if I concede the influence, that is still not governance

a rose by any other name . . .


According to you

And none of them govern your life. If you think you are living under their jackboot you might want to get away from the keyboard a bit more.