Biden's Latest Proposal is Tanking the Market

At the end of march a “family” fund, Archegos Capital blew itself up by getting waaay to high on it’s own supply of leverage and VIAC and actually tanked the market, and zero’d out billions for its idiot bankers.

Then the next day the market said “screw it” carried on up. Hell yesterday even VIAC was back up 5%.

So yes, comical, very comical, to read the plight of the daytraders on a red day.

The excuses are still being worke(D) out. They’ll need more time to think of something that isn’t, “bUt TrUmP!” :wink:


The current President requires constant maintenance…it must be exhausting. Just don’t call it a crisis.

Biden campaigned on increasing the capital gains tax on over a million.

The only people shocked today were the day traders and algorithms.

It’s been 50 years since I’ve heard that! And the guy who used it ate onions and screamed other colorful vernacular in your face too!
Guess I should thank you for the memories? :crazy_face:


As ol’ Dingy used to say, “Go ahead, Mr. President, keep ruining this country.”


Frankly, I’m over invested in the surveillance state and getting my ass kicked.

I was promised biometric scanners on all the corners and a telescreen watching over every pot…

Who do I blame? Democrats for letting me down? Clearly these choices can’t be my fault.

This proposal would not affect a 401k rollover…

You, sir, are way outta line! I have it on good authority that it’s country over party on that side of the fence!

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Long term Cap gains is about 20% now for high income earners. Personally I support a higher cap gains tax for high income earners but 43% would almost certainly be counter productive.

Who cares? The market is overheated anyway

That’s really all it ever was.

Oh, no. Biden tanked the market today, everyone

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401k rollovers are not cashing out a 401k. A 401k rollover is when you move money from one retirement account to another. There are no taxes. For example when I retire in a few years I’ll be rolling my employer sponsored 401k (Voya) to an individual TIAA 401k. As long as it goes from account to account, no taxes.

If you mean 401k distributions for retirees, those distributions are not capital gains they are treated as regular income.

The whole idea with the 401k is that money is socked away pre-tax during your earning years and during retirement when you take distributions that’s when you pay the income tax as you are likely to be in a lower tax bracket due to retirement.


But the market investments the portfolios derive value from do.

Let’s look at the impact of cap gains cuts and increases over time.

Wow - better panic. R-squared of .013…

There’s a stronger link between the number of hot dogs I eat in a year and the price of crude oil.

I will say though that increasing the long term rate to the top marginal rate encourages shorter term investments, which I don’t like.

I’m guessing it is ultimately going to be increased to ~25%, which will cause no real impact.

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I disagree with the OP on two issues:

#1 The image above gives visual perspective on this “tanking the economy” rhetoric. There have been many greater hic-ups and correction over the last year.

#2 The stock market it not “the economy”, it is one factor to consider, but the more important economy is jobs, people working, people spending money in trading labor for goods and services, etc. The real economy on Main Street is in rough shape, the Wall Street economy is doing pretty good.


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Three words should make you rethink this.

High Frequency Trading.

Let that sink in.

Spy up .50%. Man the lifeboats

That dip was delicious.

SPY up 1.20% so far.