Bidens last quarter and full year GDP (4q2024 and full year 2024)

economy and personal spending grew again in 2024 under the steady hand of our esteemed former POTUS. say what you want to Biden but the facts show he grew the economy as POTUS.

excellent growth in the biden years. lets hope trump can keep it up.

“US Q4 gross domestic product (GDP) closed out 2024 with 2.3% annualised growth, bringing the full year to 2.8%.[i] This shows America’s economy chugging along steadily from 2023’s 2.9% and 2022’s 2.5%—when we saw many commentators warn of impending recession (economic contraction). Reality, it turns out, was better than anticipated, in our view, underpinning the bull market (prolonged period of overall rising stocks) since then. Now, a month into Q1 2025, we don’t think last quarter’s GDP carries much weight for forward-looking markets. But under the bonnet, there are a few insights we think global investors can glean.“ is as successful.


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And what is it exactly that Biden did?

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Because dems save the majority of their spending from legislation like Build back better until election year and spend it to make voters think the economy is good. But if they had been re-elected energy would have skyrocketed.

Eggs and rent got them this time. And killing Peanut!


had policies in place to encourage personal spending.


One last boot to slurp before the incoming skies-are-falling economy threads. :rofl:


Such as?

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Then why did y’all coup him??

You mumble and bungle through one debate and everybody panics.

Poor mumbles.


Yeah. That guy they trashed did soooo well. And then they put up Commie that ended up getting Trump! elected.

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Without specific policies you can point to, I must conclude that you are simply blowing hot air.

He spent over 8 trillion dollars.:thinking:

personal spending was way up.

people had more money to spend.


…and now for…the rest of…the story.

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So did trump Part 1.

That meme is absolutely…SPOT ON!


think about that