Biden's Gun Tax Proposal

Then we are just alike in that regard.

You did vote for democrats. Not cute.

Biden told that Michigan auto worker he didn’t work for him and he was right.


Did you vote for any Republicans?

No nor democrats.

There is already a tax on firearms and ammunition.

Worked just fine in Virginia. Gun control bills galore.

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Narrow majority. Moderate Dems could derail the marxist aspirations; 2022 could be a Republican retaking of the House. Need the GA Senators to win.

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Gonna have to get the cheating straightened out for that to happen.


Or put up better candidates that don’t lose elections. :wink:

That explains why Republicans lost so many seats in the House this go-around.

Oh, wait … :wink:


Nope…they just lost the one that was most important to them.

Se la vie. But nobody ever mistook Trump for a good candidate.

unless its politically correct law, like daca.

Even Obama said he couldn’t do that because it would be unconstitutional … just before he did it.

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and the court allows it to stand because in ending it someone forgot to dot an “i”.

marshall is rolling in his grave

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So, it begins…

“National health crisis” guns.

Here they come.


What’s a silencer? Do they even know what they’re regulating?



It’s a device that makes a gun ten times more deadly and the gun owner ten times more likely to shoot someone. No civilian should ever be allowed to have one.