Biden Worried His Kids Would Be in a "Racial Jungle" Because of Busing

A whole thread of whataboutism? That has to be a first.

I’m just worried about biden’s kids. They could become drug users because of this.

Standards remain the same.

Obviously not. Have you seen any cartoons or read any books from 1930s ? Have you ever looked at a classified section from a southern newspaper prior to 1964 ? Everything is changing, all the time, even as we type right this very moment.

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I did not use “standard” in the sense of what society currently understands to be moral.

Morality remains the same and only our understanding of it changes, either moving closer or further away from the truth.

I’m in agreement with this.

Is this racist? Just checking because racism seems to be fluid these days.

Well, is there a consensus on what this universal never-changing morality is ?

In a way , I am inclined to agree that truth as it is isn’t proprietary nor is it wavering or dynamic - it’s humans’ perception that is often cloudy. But that has very little to do with morality, at least in our definition of such.

Is there a consensus on…how life originated from non-life? What causes headaches? How the universe will end (e.g., bigrip, big crunch)? If there isn’t any consensus on these matters, then does that mean there is no fact of the matter as to what thse answers are?

What do definitions have to do with it?

If you are talking to me about absolute truth, I am perplexed as to how that’s found its way into a conversation about Biden and whatever his misgivings about busing were in 1977.

So yes, there obviously is absolute truth and maybe we can have a conversation about that in a different forum sometime. This discussion is quite far from all that; what we were discussing is what is found acceptable and unacceptable in our imperfect society at a given time :slight_smile:

Or acceptance. But that doesn’t change your point, and I agree with it.

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True, the DEMOCRAT Governor of Virginia dressed up in a klan costume and is still governor today.

■■■■■■■■■ Didn’t hold back Robert Byrd. Or Ted Kennedy.

No they don’t.


Morality is a collection of emotions.