Biden v Trump on Judicial appointments on March 11th of their third year (as well as current judicial vacancies)

As of close of business March 11 of their third year:


116 total Article III
1 Supreme Court
31 Courts of Appeals
84 District Courts
0 Trade Court


89 total Article III
2 Supreme Court
34 Courts of Appeals
53 District Courts
0 Trade Court

Biden has been making appointments at a substantially faster pace overall and is only slightly behind Trump on Courts of Appeals judges.

Biden has 6 Courts of Appeals nominees currently before the Senate, 5 who have cleared the Judiciary Committee, 1 waiting to clear the committee. He has 29 District Court nominees currently before the Senate, 16 who have cleared the Judiciary Committee, 13 waiting to clear the committee.

Currently there are 9 vacancies on the Courts of Appeals and 2 announced future vacancies. There are 64 vacancies on the District Courts and 22 announced future vacancies. There are 2 vacancies on the Trade Court and 0 future vacancies. That is a total of 99 judgeships he could potentially fill.

Meaning Biden will likely go well into the 200 range for total Judges by the time he leaves office.

Trump appointed 234 total Article III Judges during his term. For Biden to have a realistic chance of breaking that record, he will need to have about 20 additional vacancies open up by the end of this year. And it will be tough regardless. Right now, he will likely fall 15 to 20 Judges short of Trump’s total.

Ironically, Biden is helped in the same way Trump was, by losing the House of Representatives, thus causing the Senate to focus on nominations and not passing pointless legislation that would just die in the House.