Biden to Shifty: Thanks for nothing!

I saw the video this was taken from and you can see the make-up line in it if you look for it.

Not as enhanced…Visible none the less.


Better than Obama’s numbers at this point in his Presidency. But hey, Obama did have higher approval than Trump in the EU so that’s something I guess.

The Democrats made their mistake when they funded Obama’s spygate.

He does…every day…and keeps doing it. Now what? How does that counter the damage done to libs? Oh…I forgot…it makes you feeeeeeeeeel better. k…carry on. :sunglasses:

You’re the only one who seems to care about what Obama did or didn’t do. He’s not been president for almost 4 years. Let your hatred go…

You’re not very good at this.

Is fake news keeping information from you?:rofl:

There’s only a half dozen investigations into Obama and his Deepstate traitors.

You and millions of other people.

Perhaps but those millions weren’t here. And if I recall correctly there were quite a few people here that had disparaging things to say when I made it.

Some of them were, you certainly weren’t the only one. All one had to do was look at the Clinton impeachment to see how it could end. Of course, the election’s still nine months away, so the jury’s still out.

No, at this point Obama was above water.

Marginally, using averaged polls. I used Gallup if I remember correctly.

Fake news…thats your go to…no matter what the comment. No fake news keeps nothing from me. I’m saying it doesn’t matter.

That is a logical conclusion. But when blinded by hate, logic is the first thing to go.

With all the media cheap shots and minority party investigations I would say President Trump has fared pretty well with even the biased polls. Steady too.


Gentlemen start your engines…Just happened…awesome!!


I missed it! Totally forgot. :sleepy:

Sounded like a rally crowd of 250K with the roar of the NASCAR competitors firing up.


He is about to take a lap…On FOX.


Thanx I’m there!