Biden Tests Positive For COVID-19


Oh yes definitely. I want to go on record as well and say yes i would love for trump to win. But i wont do what hillary supporters did in 2016 and expect a win. So yes great point and thanks

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I just saw that and came here to see who has a twisted sense of humor like me. :rofl: :rofl:


is it?


That sounds suspiciously like a conspiracy theory. :wink:


they lying…. again???

wow what total frauds.

we’re a long ways from November. lots of time for democrat shenanigans



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That has got to go in Hannity HOF. :rofl::rofl:

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I’ll trust my US doctor and my own experiences over 'Government-backed medical researchers in Australia '.

I know three people who suffer from long covid. One had to quit their job and suffers still from symptoms after 2 years, one slept for hours at a time all day for about 4-6 months and is now totally fine. The worst is a guy who can’t walk or care for himself. In fairness, the doctors are baffled by him. They can’t find a traditional diagnosis, have no idea what is going on with him, but it all came on him after a near fatal bout of covid from which he never recovered. Really sad story. So tough on the family and on him obviously.

Yes we know. We can always plan on you knowing someone.


“I only lick United States Government boots!!!”


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you’re not undestanding

niether the symptoms nor the incidence is any different than any other respiratory disease. There is nothing significantly different about “long Covid”

But no mask… :thinking:

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Never Forget:

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” and “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.”

–Joe Biden


It crossed my mind because of what he said before he “got it”.
Maybe that was an exit plan with some dignity.
Not as a President pushed out by his own party.

Wait a minute… :scream_cat:
Kamala 'polled better than Biden ’ against Trump.
Let’s see who will step up to be the VP.

Don’t underestimate the Left’s power to swindle us again.
Yes Pelosi left but she is only a phone call away.