Biden’s meeting with putin

No we didn’t. Slowed it not stopped. It’s a talking point.

Big guy can collect his 10 percent from Germany….

I can’t believe you want to continue down this road.

Listen, biden doesn’t need me to make him look stupid. biden doesn’t need putin to make him look stupid. The only thing required to make biden look stupid, is joe biden.

But good to see that libs are now claiming that criticism of biden is “unpatriotic.” How north korean of you.

Reminds of fauci last week saying that “attacks on him are attacks on science.”

The last refuge of weak-minded debate. Well that or to cry “racism.” You’ll have a hard time selling that with biden though.


complete ■■■■■■■■■ the percentage it was complete seems to go up with each successive post. construction was stopped, the sanctions were working. the only talking points here are the ones you’re using to excuse biden’s gift to putin.


Construction never stopped.

The only country that can kill the project is Germany, not the US.

Meeker should have done so, especially after the Navalny poisoning.

She didn’t.


Conservatives here have always liked Putin. My rightwing parents think he’s great.


It was the photo of him shirtless on the horse that did it…:rofl:


Heck yeah.

Remember when they showed strong and virile Putin riding a horse topless and then put a picture of Obama riding a bike with a helmet?

Good times!

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the masters lie

construction was stopped and only started again after trump lost the election. perhaps they could restart while the big guy was negotiating his cut.

When you’re down to using a QB from the practice squad the oddsmakers no longer answer the phone.

No some companies pulled out. It never stopped

From your link

The day after PEESA was enacted in December2019, Allseas,aEuropeancompanythathad been laying thepipeline,statedthatit was suspendingits activities.InJanuary2021,afterPEESA wasamendedto authorize broader sanctions, at least three European companies,includingacertifierandaninsurer,reportedly withdrew from the project.
Despite ongoing questions about the viability of the pipeline, Fortuna reportedly is continuing work and Russianofficials statethepipelinewillbecompleted.In January 2021, the German regional government wh

Just to add i agree with the sanctions because (US) interests are involved

did you bother reading it?
construction was halted from dec 2019 until dec 2020. the startement about fortuna is in regard to jan 2021 when 3 other companies pulled out.

The report doesn’t say whether fortuna ever stopped working. I did bother reading it. You bothered to read things into it…


The United States took a stab late last year. Construction of the pipeline was brought to a halt after U.S. sanctions passed as part of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act compelled the Swiss company Allseas to withdraw its deep-sea pipe-laying vessel, forcing Russia to improvise a new plan to finish the pipe. In July, after Denmark gave permission for the project to proceed, Washington doubled down on efforts to stop the project. On July 15, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced a reversal to guidance issued by his predecessor Rex Tillerson in 2017, paving the way for further sanctions to be slapped on the pipeline. The so-called Tillerson guidance had grandfathered in the pipeline and had exempted it from wide-ranging sanctions under a blockbuster bill passed by Congress that same year. “Get out now, or risk the consequences,” Pompeo said.

So in July of 2020 they were tryign to stop a stopped project. Awesome!

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no, you did. its pretty clear.

try again when you gain some comprehension skills

try again when you gain some comprehension skills

I added more information. Aww honey bunny don’t start about comprehension skills.

they were keeping it stopped as russia was attempting unsuccesfully to work around the sanctions. construction did not resume until dec 2020

Were they successful in convincing Denmark? Why yes yes they were…

you added nothing. construction was suspended from dec 2019 until dec 2020. that is the fact. the statement fortuna’s continuing work is in relation to the renewed construction after other companies pulled out in jan 2021. you are simply wrong

Do you think perhaps the US stepped back because this pipeline benefits our allies in Germany and the EU?

you mean the eu that opposes it? no. it was a gift to putin, nothing more.

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