Biden Pops His Head Out Of Hiding To Give Yet Another Instantly Forgettable Speech

Not really.Moore exposed the so called Renewable Energy jobs in his slim quite well dispute my disagreement i had with Moore his film nailed it.


Renewable energy jobs are booming across the U.S
Not really once the wind farms are done they dont really to much human Maintenance nor solar.And these so called renewable energy dont keep u warmer during the winter.

These Renewable energy jobs would be only temporarily.

I have being following a blog site out of a California for year a now where there are people who are mostly liberal and had started using “Renewable energy”

What i have seen from their commenting is how many people are complaining how this Renewable energy is actually costing them more on their energy bill every year.

So i cant say i wasnt surprised when they started complaining about how their energy bill was sky rocketing

Renewable Energy Job Boom Creates Economic Opportunity

Yeah a temporarily economic Opportunity with no human Maintenance till wind turbines either stop working or gets broken. Either way you would still see a large sum of increase of high unemployment after the construction.

And then what?

Because these kind of so called Renewable Energy jobs are only temporally. They arent nuclear enegry or coal that require yearly maintenance.

Some of you Liberals who are into this climate nonsense with renewable Energy are living in a fantasy lal la land if you didn’t noticed that part.

Should every house and apartments be remade and redesigned with solar and wind electricity to fully function 200%?

That would cost tax payers a lot of money for everything to be redesigned and to place every wind.

how dare the government spend money on thing people want the government to spend money on.

There have been renewable housing credits for like 20 years.

There is nothing socialist about Biden platform.

Republican upset at someone they were never going to vote for in the first place.

It’s a hoax. Fossil fuels are clean.

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People are stupid.


Emissions from cars?


Cart before the corrupt horse.

Yes. Clean.

pulllease, he trotted out the same failed tired policies the obamassiah failed with. put coal miners out of work, put the nat gas industry out of work, put oil workers out of work, pay subsidies for electric cars, pay subsidies to build charging stations on the highway (what good are they? I like to fill and go, not plug and wait). Same old tired green energy failures but this time… they’re gonna work! Insanity on steroids. We’ll have more crony capitalism with connected dopes cashing in for billions and then declaring bankruptcy before the tax payers get their money back. They’ll be a new solindra every week and the only industry that will grow is the “kowing Joe Biden” industry, which is pretty ■■■■■■■ lucrative already.


I agree.
Look who’s President.

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Compared to what?

we don’t care what canada wastes its money on, this is the united states and when we elected trump we said HELL NO!

Biden Pops His Head Out Of Hiding To Give Yet Another Instantly Forgettable Speech

So did Joe see his shadow?

Does that mean 6 more weeks of stupid?

Bwuh? :laughing: Where did you come up with this?

Generally speaking, renewables are lower maintenance than traditional O&G operations, but that’s also one of the benefits, particularly to the operator. But, I’m dying to know, where do you get this idea that renewable energy operations don’t require annual maintenance? lol. They most certainly do. After the infrastructure goes in and begins to operate, you then require a staff for operational support, they don’t just run themselves. Aside from routine maintenance (you honestly think renewable infrastructure is somehow immune to faults like any other infrastructure?), there are fault diagnostics, compliance testing, and monitoring of regulatory compliance. Essentially, all the same things an O&G operation deals with, just a little less of it.

Absurd statement. Did you ever stop and ask yourself, if what you said was true, why would ANY energy company continue to operate in fossil fuels if renewables were maintenance free and ran themselves? Energy companies work towards the bottom line like anyone else… if what you stated were true, then extracting fossil fuels for energy production would be dead.

Unfortunately it’s more like 26 weeks of stupid to go.