Biden pinches young girl's nipple

there’s a lot of creepy people out there…

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Can you take you comment to the actual thread? Different topic here.

oh, you and your rules.

[quote=“enki, post:578, topic:239732, full:true”]

What rules are you speaking of? Please be specific.

I mean I could have ignored this topic from the beginning since it’s just based on your hopes and wishes an gut feelings.

Ah, yes. But you didn’t.

Mommy…I can still smell old man breath through my mask…

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I wouldn’t leave my children alone with any stranger… and famous people are strangers.

Your crazy pedo-hair sniffer is at it again. He can’t help himself. This is a seriously sick man. I’m sure he has been told not to do this. Yet he refuses to stop. And parents, you need to think twice before you send your daughters to cozy up with this creep.

I know. BUT TRUMP!!! We already know how you feel about Trump. How do you feel about the ongoing Biden creep show?


‘This is NOT Normal!’ @Catturd2 DROPS Joe Biden for seemingly sniffing yet another little girl (watch) –


Hey even the article title is unsure.

Well that was lame.

I made a thread about trump returning 14M to donors who got scammed and it was moved to fever dreams.

Biden ‘seemingly’ does something and this thread will go for days…


Not to mention gross. Did you see her eyes when he leaned in for a sniff? Watch it again.

People are going to see what they want to see.

Can’t stop that.

But in reality… the claim is pretty lame.

Not wearing a face diaper.

It was seemingly pretty gross. Did the video concern you at all? How many kids does he need to sniff before you think it’s weird?

What kind of parent would let their little girl near that guy after seeing decade of his child abuse on film?

It seemingly happened. Or not…