Biden officially launches bid for President

Is grabbing them by the ■■■■■ without their consent ok in your book?

Of course…He also supported all dem candidates financially until running on the R ticket.

Hahah. From a supporter of the Groin Grabbin’ Baby Mussolini.

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Who did he grab?

Ask fat donald.

He’s capable of progressing with the times. There’s nothing wrong with changing a position on something over the course of decades.

Right now we have a President who changes his mind mid-sentence, which is more troubling.

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306 to 232

That’s the only numbers that have any meaning in the 2016 election.

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He didn’t. He was talking out his ass. It’s all they have.


Yep. and in 2020 those who supported the ■■■■■ grabber will gladly pull the lever again.


I don’t know about the rest of you, but I value consistency. I want my politicians to have the same positions as the day I hired them. Why would I want a politician who campaigns one way and then 20 years later they are doing something else? In my opinion, politicians should have their policy positions locked in place for eternity otherwise they’re flippy floppers. I will change politicians if I change my mind about a policy position; it’s not the job of the politician to change their positions for me.


5th Ave syndrome

You’re making me feel unwelcome.

You’re making women feel unwelcome.


No one. Lock him up!

Which one is a politician?

As far as I know the only time that was covered on Fox News was when they called the women liars.

I went to a Trump rally during the campaign after this came out. He was going on about “they’re liars. Just look at them, I can do better”

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Sarah (truth is an optional extra) Sanders’s claim, albeit not true, around the 20 sec mark in the link below would argue to the contrary.