Biden compiling an enemies list

The bible bit was supposition but I agree there is no reason why terms such as MAGA should be flagged. That bothers me greatly and this administration needs to explain itself.

I don’t really disagree with you, aside from the argyle-bargle about the “regulatory state.”

But as far as I’m concerned, the onus is on the banks to say No. Come back with a warrant.

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Argle-bargle. You don’t believe the US is a regulatory state? Seriously?

And when they do?

And as we have seen these past years, that will never happen. KJP will stand there and blame Republicans, Biden will ignore it entirely as he slurps another milkshake, and the enforcement elites will double down, all while sycophants will continue with the whole ‘no biggie, the banks did it on their own’.


Not yet.
Right now it’s just a list of people who did any banking in DC that week.

No doubt it will be cross-referenced with something (such as being a southerner, being an outspoke conservative etc…) and people on the remaining list
will not be given an ice cream sundae.

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And then off to the fema camps with you

Slippery slopes is for when it’s snowing or raining.

Not for imagination.

Well, you are correct that we do not know what the list is for.
For fun, we can imagine what the list is for,
but in honesty, we do not know what the Joe Biden Justice Department
will do with a list of MAGA-related people who visited DC from out of state around Jan 6.

  • Maybe the DoJ wants to give them all $1 million each, right?
  • Maybe DoJ is hoping they will testify “The Capital police politely escorted us around and tried to open doors for us” so DoJ can overturn the earlier verdicts

We really don’t know what Joe Biden’s DoJ will do with this list.
Heck it could be a friends list, right?


Right or it could be an abuse of power that should have been submitted for judicial review. That would be a constitutional violation

But no it has to be something wicked. It has to be. Because a democrat is doing it. I really recommend for you guys rival Harry Turtledovr with your fervent imaginations.

Kindly list for me three “something good” or “something neutral” reasons Joe Biden might be doing this.


Well, Joe Biden isn’t personally doing anything. But the Justice Department is probably trying to identify people who broke into the Capitol. Kind of like watching store security footage.

By targeting someone who bought a duck call at Dick’s Sporting Goods?

Let’s crawl through your bank records and see what we can find to charge you with based on your purchases.



He is investigating the Jan 6 riot. I think wait let me check yep like fourth time i said that.

Why three? There is just that one reason

The fact that you think there should be more than one is so very very telling

According to the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, which falls under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee, federal law enforcement agencies partnered with a number of financial institutions to flag transactions with the terms “MAGA,” “Trump” and more. They also monitored transactions at stores like Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop. Other purchases linked to religious texts, like Christian bibles, were flagged under the guise of “preventing extremism.”

What was that again about Supposition?


" …while Jan. 6, 2021, was the “impetus” for the queries and searches, none of the documents the committee has obtained reveal any specific time frames or limitations for banks searching customer transactions with the terms. The source said the federal government used the information for investigations beyond Jan. 6."

Fox News

Okay now?


Yes that makes it even worse as to the government overstepping in a way that i have been criticizing them. Especially with guys.

How does it make it an enemy list

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The incident happened at the Capital. No one’s bank records are stored, let alone controlled by the Capital staff. You want to look at someone’s bank and purchase records, at a private business, you go to the court and present the government’s probable cause to see that person’s bank and purchase records. And all asking a company, or individual, outside of government, to serve as a whiting cut out and serve as the source of the information does is make that individual into an agent of the government.


Thanks for admitting your end game.

You are welcome. Always happy to let people know. Once I have everybody’s barrack numbers I’ll post them.