Biden calls for pause in conflict in Israel

Did you read the rest of the article I posted or are you just being a partisan. I laid out the way the president prior to Biden dealt with foreign interference from the Iranians…no comment on that I guess.

As far as your demands for my rationalization…I don’t really care what libs demand just fyi.

You say “he’s done nothing but offer full support for Israel in their quest to eliminate Hamas.” Really? “Both the White House and President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign are seeking to highlight his outreach to and support of Muslim and Arab communities in the U.S. as he faces increased pressure from some Muslim leaders to call for a cease-fire to the Israel-Hamas war, which Israel launched in the wake of a Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7.”…“In an open letter, Muslim leaders from around the country last week urged Biden to back a cease-fire in the conflict – or else: They promised to not support Biden’s 2024 bid and instead actively campaign against him should he not comply by Tuesday, which they would take as an endorsement of the fighting.” MSN

So apparently the old boy’s “Support” for the Israeli’s comes with strings attached…I cited the squad as a way of keeping the post short, some lib told me I write too much…

The playbook for dealing with the Iranians was laid out by the previous administration…shouldn’t the idiot in the White House take a look at it instead of catering to the folks the anti Semites in the squad represent?


No I did read it, but admittedly,not all of it. And not purposely, just didn’t see the link to “Click here to read more.” Just finished it though.

First, you’re right, you don’t have to rationalize anything. But I never demanded it either. I said “I’d love to hear…” which is far from a demand. I digress…

Yes, really. In your response you’ve somehow conflated supporting the broader Muslim community with the terrorist group Hamas. Is that what oyu honestly think? No distinction between any Muslim and Hamas? Because Biden has clearly made his appeal to the former while being unambiguous about eliminating the latter, and providing the funding and military aid to assist Israel.

I’m not sure what comment you need from me on Trump’s actions. That’s one of a few things I actually supported with him. But these two situations aren’t the same.

Biden is asking for the pause to try and release hostages, many of which are Americans. I can only imagine that plays into his calculus when determining his response.

But I’d still love to hear the rationalization above. Again, not demaning, asking. You’ve implied that Biden is somehow accommodating Hamas, not being forceful enough, however you want to phrase it (alluding to the snippet I quoted). That’s the explanation I’m asking for. If it’s not enough, what would you suggest his approach be?

This is where you lose me.

“Because Biden has clearly made his appeal to the former while being unambiguous about eliminating the latter, and providing the funding and military aid to assist Israel.”

Those butchers murdered 1400 people including 30 Americans. Hezbollah is threatening Israel to the north. Biden seems to be set on calling for Israel to not take action…The longer he calls for a “Pause” it seems logical the more time Hamas has to fortify it’s positions…

I trust the Israeli’s to handle this mess…Their judgment is better than yours and damn sure better than mine…Biden and company…the same people who got 13 Americans and a bunch of Afghans killed in Kabul…I trust them to screw everything up.

And that doesn’t change the fact as my link above pointed out that Biden is willing to massage American foreign policy in a manner than allows him to tippy toe on both sides of the fence…That tells me getting re elected matters a helluva lot more than doing the right thing to that stupid old man.

Guess we will have to agree to disagree…


Why would anyone lay this at Biden’s feet?
What Biden NEEDS to do is shut up, let the Israelis handle this. If he feels the need to want a “pause”, tell it to the Israelis, not the world.

One side of the mouth is saying “we do not dictate how Israel conducts this war” and out of the other they say “there needs to be a “pause” to get more humanitarian aid in, and hostages and others out”. So which is it?
Let Israel run their war, or push for a pause or two?


I think we agree more than you might be aware. Let me try to be more clear.

The statement of mine you question above concerns making a distinction between the terrorists, in this case Hamas, and ordinary Muslims. You seem to conflate them. Correct me if I’m wrong please. I would never do so and neither has Biden. His appeal to ordinary Muslims likely is a political calculation, may be altruistic, I don’t have any means of knowing his reasoning, nor do you. But he has been clear about standing with Israel in eliminating Hamas.

Biden’s call for a “pause” was clearly stated for the purpose of releasing hostages. He’s never made any statements that indicate a desire to stop the war or impede Israel’s progress by any measure.

I think Israel will see this through and eradicate Hamas, as they should. But you have more faith in their judgement and abilities than I. This act happened under Natanyahu’s watch and he will have a price to pay by his own people.

How has he “massaged” foreign policy? Again, his support for Israel thus far has been unabated. He has appealed to Israel repeatedly to try and avoid or minimize innocent Palestinian deaths to the extent possible. Is that what you’re referring to?

I’m cool with disagreeing where that occurs but appreciate the discussion.

Lol, are you familiar with the posters on this forum? I kid…

Why can’t both be true? Why can’t there be a momentary pause to release hostages and then resume the eradication of Hamas?

Actually the two situations are very much the same. The thing that got me looking for the article about Keith Kellogg’s comments was an interview I heard from him a few days ago where he laid out the story of how Trump dealt with turning Soleimani to dust and the way the Trump administration dealt with Iran…Relating that story not to Ukraine but to the Israel/Hamas situation today. The Iranians, then as in now, are the money behind the terrorists.

Biden needs to stay out of Israel’s way…The man is a disaster who as a wise man once said has been wrong about every foreign policy decision for the last 40 years. If the Israeli’s need help then let’s hear what they need and see what we can do.

But please don’t tell me Biden’s been unconditional in his support of Israel…He’s both sides of the fencing here so he can get votes.

(By the way, why would any American Jew ever vote for a Democrat at this point?)


What has Biden done in reaponse to what 30 drone/missile attacks on our forces ovee there?
One little bombing run on a couple of warehouses.

Between the Ford and the Ike, we have enough airpower to dominate the skies, not counting the Air Force assets. I know for a FACT that at least 2 Burke class destroyers are heading into the region, let me be perfectly clear here. I do NOT want us to get involved with the Israeli piece, just to handle the attacks on our people. With what we have and will have, we could turn ANY target into dust without the use of nukes. So, why are our forces being kept on a tight leash while being attacked multiple times a day?


So you think Biden should follow Trump’s lead and drop a missile on someone? Who exactly?

Or do you think Biden should stay out of it?

I honestly can’t tell your position.

But as for why would any Jew vote for a Democrat? That’s crazy talk. Again, you have a couple politicians on the Hill and a handful of idiotic college students supporting Palestine and you conflate it to the entirety of the Dem Party. That’s just not remotely accurate. And here’s another reason why. White supremacists and actual Nazi’s keep showing up at GOP events to support and even offer defense of various GOP politicians. You think they don’t notice that and it doesn’t influence their vote?

I presume you’re now talking about Iraq/Syria? As I understand it, the strikes in response were limited to avoid a larger conflict. I honestly haven’t kept up on that much so not aware of all the details. But what would you prefer to see?

Take out the launch sites. Let them know if they hit us, we will hit back, and disproportionately harder.

Also, the conflict is already getting larger with the Houthi’s and Hezbola (spelling) getting in the mix. Iran is funding every damn one of them and their states goal is to wipe Israel out, also China has a “few” warships in the region as well. Odds of it spreading are already high.


They blew up solimaini or however you spell it.

Apparently in the last day or two they got the mastermind of October 7.

Did you see the part where I said we should give the ayatollah something to worry about. Kellogg talked about that in the article you didn’t read.

Let him and his surrogates know that we know where they are.

No. A pause would allow Hamas time to regroup and resupply. Victory is best achieved by never letting up. And there is no indication that Hamas would release the highest stages if there was a pause. That’s just wishful thinking.


israel stop the violence!


same ■■■■ different decade. idiot democrats don’t get it


Thanks for this. I don’t necessarily disagree with hitting the launch sites as you said above. But it seems you’re advocating a larger response, which would likely increase the level of conflict. Is that accurate?

Lol, I read the article.

So, strike Solemani’s successor or something larger?

Hamas has stated they want to engage in a prisoner exchange. I’m unclear how that factors into Biden’s thinking, but it’s not just wishful thinking.

all i want to know is why does these “Hamas” pigs still exist to declare they want to behead more babies?


It’s ■■■■■■■■■

Coward tactic.