Biden Announces Re-election Bid

So it’s just assertions about the existence of something.

That they do in fact have evidence but told a judge that they don’t

You are trying so hard to make it about About anything but their own statement that they have no evidence to support their allegation

Awww thank you. I wasnt referencing garbage form posters. I was referencing garbage from true to vote.

Whether my posts are garbage or trash or anything in between as irrelevant to the fact that the mules much like most of what is said about the 2020 election is fiction and fantasy because some people decided to have a hissy fit because their guy lost. And other people decide to make money off the marks.

I am loving every minute of it. The maga was had. Again. :joy::joy:

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Now wait one.

You just said above that you didn’t know what was true, now you come back and lay down the same mishmash once again.

What’s that about?

Just in for the argue without any solid beliefs?

I didn’t know what was true? I said i’ll hear the opposing argument. I’ll gladly learn. That’s what i am here for in part. To learn.

You see the word could…


The answer to your question is i accept the fact that I can and will be wrong in certain instances. That’s the diff diff.

This is what I was speaking of.

You claim here you don’t know then all of a sudden hook back into your original malarkey.

That tells me that you hold no beliefs.

Sad. A person who believes in nothing will fall for anything.

As we can see by your parroting of the main stream media’s narrative.

I never said you were wrong because I was addressing bias. I admit my bias, my need for confirmation my use of sources that feed into my bias.

I don’t hold out independent thought or analysis or critical reading as the real reason for why I beleive things are true. That’s what i was addressing.

I have my position on the election. I am not going to tell you, you are wrong because it is pointless so I will adress your assertions as to why you think you are right.

I argue actual positions with some posters who actually listen and read and want to learn. And i want to learn from them. I won’t call them out as they know exactly who they are. I am having this exact kind of calm conversation with a poster right now in another thread and I am having a blast.

If you don’t understand that, next time just ask…


You guys around here just love to think you are the smartest guy on the block.


You realize a condescending attitude is a sure indication of someones lack of confidence.

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Yeah you are not reading what’s being written. I figured as much. That’s okie though. More fun this way.

Again with the condescending.

No you are mistaken. It’s not that I am not reading. What you are writing. It’s that what you are writing lacks any credence.

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But all you democrats still believe trump was elected because of help from Russia. You can’t prove that one vote was changed but since trump is a Republican, he could not have won without Russia’s help. Seems you all have your own fantasies. There were even some of your buddies pushing the Russia helped trump get elected today. Seems after what is it almost eight years the democrats are still pitching their hissy fits because their queen lost.
Don’t see you over on all those other posts laughing at your democrat buddies for still pushing the Russia lies. And you all even got your big investigations which proved they were lies.

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Look at you still not willing to learn what they did say. Just keep repeating what the democrat news wants you to know. Seems you were given your talking points and have no need to learn the truth. Your finger pointing is pointing back at yourself. Maybe like you i should laugh and say that the leftist are falling for lies once again.

Not a single vote was changed. Trump was not elected because of help from Russia. I do believe social media interference played a role in keeping some people home. That doesn’t change how unlikable Hillary was.

The left has its own fantasies. Just look at the nato thread and how Trump is going to be ok with Russia attack a nato ally. It’s nonsense because things come out of his mouth doesn’t mean he acts on it. He says a lot of things. So what.

But Wait so now your issue is that i am not arguing with the left enough or telling them they are wrong?

That’s interesting.

What’s the over under on the number of posts that i must address maga fantasies versus left hatred of everything Trump

But they are actual lies. They actually said that there is no evidence. You on the other hand are just saying that there is something out there. Not even adressing what that something is. Just saying go look. That’s not a discussion. That’s just saying things to say them.

If your point is that i am not better then that’s fine. I am not. But that’s not a counter to them admitting that they lied to maga. That’s a counter to the fact that i feed my own bias. I know i do.

Nope you have shown over and over just what you are.

I even laid it out in plain language. :joy:

I am a biased lefty. I know that.

I don’t claim discernment and deep analysis. But i do get to point and laugh.

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morgan he's right

I embrace mine.


Is that the new term for waffling? :laughing:


my goodness. look who’s moved up to third place in betting odds

(ahead of the vp none of you ever liked )

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