Biden and Burisma, Russian Human Trafficking and China

You read 87 pages?

No way can Joe be President, him and his family have been banking off of the backs of the American people long enough!



So you think that’s what happened?

Of course the report would say that.

The difference is…we have actual proof Johnson is a stooge as opposed to what’s in the report.

But you keep on being you…this is more entertaining that the claim that Kamala Harris is an anti-vaxxer.


They are not through. They have much more work to do. Senator Grassley and Senator Johnson released the report.

That’s what Joe Biden said happened.

Oh…Senator Grassley signed on…well that changes EVERYTHING…:sunglasses:

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I thought Biden’s people would have something against Grassley while they were at it.

I got about a 1/4 way through it before I had to drive to work. Will be reading the rest of it soon.


The 87-page document released on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security Committee contained no evidence that the former vice president improperly manipulated American policy toward Ukraine or committed any other misdeed.

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Not a damn thing.

You know who it’s geared to. Starts with “low”.

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Isn’t this the same Ron Johnson that went to Russia on the 4th of July?


I wonder how much money this cost the taxpayer?

Yup. Came back a full nutter. I’ve always wondered what happened there. Looking at his red eyes and frantic actions, I don’t think he’s slept a wink since he came back.

A binary agent would be so Putinesque.

The only thing that they have in this report is that Hunter probably paid for a prostitute at some point… but even that there is no direct evidence to prove it… even though I wouldn’t discount it as happening

A lot of the report is things along the line of casting aspersions on things like Boies Schiller getting paid by Burisma to help with transparency issues.

Stuff like this.

“ It is unclear whether any of the funds sent from Burisma to Boies Schiller were used to pay for services that Hunter Biden was supposed to provide to Burisma as a member of the board. Additionally, if Burisma was paying Boies Schiller for consulting services provided by third-party firm Nardello & Co, as Mesires has indicated, it remains unclear why Hunter Biden did not provide or arrange those services himself, on his own time, in exchange for the compensation he was receiving from Burisma as a member of the board.”

So they are wondering why as a member of the Board, Hunter Biden brought in an outside firm instead of doing it himself.

That this line is in a “report” written by supposedly serious people is bonkers


It’s really quite sad that average Americans are falling for Russian propaganda.

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Very serious people.

267 There is extensive public reporting concerning Hunter Biden’s alleged involvement with prostitution services. Records on file
> with the Committees do not directly confirm or refute these individual reports. However, they do confirm that Hunter Biden sent
thousands of dollars to individuals who have either: 1) been involved in transactions consistent with possible human trafficking;
2) an association with the adult entertainment industry; or 3) potential association with prostitution.