Biden administraton lists the first 10 drugs that Medicare will target for price cuts

Perfect example of a lot of what’s wrong with this country today.

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Then you go and ask them nicely. Lets see what happens.

Hasn’t even occured to them that minus the massive inflation brought on by Biden’s massive wasteful spending such cuts wouldn’t even matter.


Yeah it’s crazy more people aren’t with you on your whole “I want policy outcomes that create conditions that only exist in failed states and even they didn’t do it voluntarily.” Failed states are so nice to live in.


How about Brandon tries it? Or Fweedom?

I wouldn’t know.

So reducing drug costs is a bad thing?

Just the idea of cheaper drugs is sending tingles down the legs of slop bodies who want nothing more than to eat and live like pigs in slop do.

A Patient cured is a customer lost. :wink:


so far biden hasnt achieved anything, and is doing no more than previous illegitimate presidents.

why hasnt biden made an exec order yet?

i noticed the pharma response involves lawsuits. not a good sign i would say

remember now, we love leviathan pharma nowadays.

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It depends

:rofl: Come on man!

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Yawn, change the record.

no response. of course!

What is there to respond to? The same old crap.

i know it’s hard to face.

only respond to anyone who applauds Biden. i get it.

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For libs…they’re one and the same


For some, conceding the reality of a Biden accomplishment means some kind of personal annihilation. But look: The Trump administration deserves a lot of credit for the vaccine. See? It doesn’t kill you.


They have to lower the price because the dollar is becoming worthless.

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How? Just because it points out another broken promise? Yes, I guess you’re right.

None of these drugs cure anything.