Biden administration asserts power to seize drug patents in move to slash high prices

No patents period for government subsidized drugs.

And drug patents in general should be VERY limited in term, 3 or 4 years at most.

Patents as a concept are inimical to free market capitalism, as they represent a government grant of privilege.

While they are marketed as advancing science (including in the text of the Constitution), in reality they impede science and technology.

I would be fine if patents were abolished altogether.

I would limit copyright to the life of the author (plus the balance of 25 years to the author’s estate if the author did not survive 25 years past the publish date). Copyright for films and music would be reduced to 25 years. Copyright for software would be 10 years.


As long as we are talking government interference anyway, yes. Allow drug companies to set up agreements so that they can reduce marketing costs. It makes more sense to reduce drug costs by lowering their expenditures on marketing than their expenditures on research for new cures.

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On average, 25% of drug company revenue goes to r&d. Let’s not think that they just take government funded research and live off the profits of it.

In 2015, drug companies spent approximately 89 billion on r&d. The government spent about 28 billion.


The best thing about this is drug companies will avoid federal funding or they could get their intellectual property stolen by the govt.

And I’m sure it’s just another way to try to fool low IQ voters into thinking they will pay less for drugs if they elected Biden again. Like student loan forgiveness. But the rest of us know big pharma owns the dems.


“Lipitor is $436 cheaper in Mexico or 28 times cheaper than in the U.S.”

Gosh, so much cheaper than America with all our govt regs. Hmmmmmmmm! What can we learn? Oh, that’s right. Learning is not allowed on the left. Lets do the failed govt subsidy crap again.

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Big Pharma will be fine

I don’t want to celebrate the importation of drugs that are already available in the United States. This situation, where American drugs are priced too high for Americans to afford the American bottle, is too stupid to continue.

Thieves (D)on’t care.

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You mean as in the way government granted exclusive manufacturing rights for what had been long time generic drugs, locking companies that had been manufacturing them and raising prices. We have already seen this theater. Government will select who gets to manufacture the drugs covered by the patents they break. Expect the patents taken over to be selected based on political compliance.

Another giant step toward a socialistic government.

The Big Moron is campaigning on saving democracy (he’s too stupid to realize we are a Republic) all the while taking steps toward socialism.