Biden administration asserts power to seize drug patents in move to slash high prices

I disagree. The patent isn’t taken, it isn’t transfered, it is destroyed. The breakthrough company is still free to make the drug for profit. They just can’t price-gouge the American public that paid, in-part, for that breakthrough, because a free-market will dictate the drug’s fair price.

Dude…the expense required is the gamble. The patent is the asset earned and the profit is the reward for the gamble they took. If you lower the reward…especially as dramatic as this would be…you tell me…are you willing to risk as much for the smaller return? This will definitely decrease the experimential quotient in the factor of creating new drugs that will help solve medical problems. THAT’S CAPITALISM. What Biden has done and you are endorsing is communism and there goes creativity.

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Sinister stuff.

Not surprised it’s coming from Brandon.

What the heck is Trump thin…oh, wait turns out Biden is the facist authoritarian.



Government is people, and in the end, just another greedy corporation.

Any time “government” and “seize” are in the same sentence absent a crime, it’s not ok.

Stop subsidizing them.


Yup. A plan like that and capitalism is like mixing oil and water.

It takes hundreds of millions to bring a new pharmaceutical to market with many failed endeavors that have to be made up for.

I’d actually be more inclined to extend the life of the patent in exchange for lower prices.


If it is being subsidized by government, is it capitalism?

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Not now, not ever

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Seizing the means of production, one regulation at a time.

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This is how government works, it’s the same thing it did in Vietnam, education, emergency disaster, etc.

Make the target completely dependent on central government funding, then threaten to take it away. It’s an insidious and abusive relationship.

We have gone from wars and post offices to college football and stoves.


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Hmmm, lemme think about that one :rofl:

Harvard has a $53B endowment. Why are taxpayers subsidizing pharmaceutical companies?

Here! Here’s my money. You decide which drugs I should help pay for.

Probably a sliding scale. If it were absolute, then the first penny is all it takes to remove capitalism.

This is another example of government tentacles getting into everything.

The word “seize” does not appear in the original source Whitehouse announcement. It is just in the headline a writer picked and I mirrored.

march-in authority under the Bayh-Dole Act enables the federal government to license the invention to another party.

It’s a seizure. Same rule applies to “march-in” and in most cases “authority.”


I shouldn’t have to subsidize you stupid drug addicts at all. :rofl:


President Biden believes that health care should be a right, not a privilege.
(Quote taken from the OP’s linked info, not the OP’s words)
If another’s labor is taken, or the fruits of that labor is taken, it is theft and no one has the right to the proceeds of theft.


We (as a society) have bastardized the meaning of “right”.

Now it means someone else has to provide it for you. (Whatever is the item to which someone has this so-called right.)

Health care SHOULD BE a right. A person shouldn’t be turned away because of who he is. Ditto housing, food, and all sorts of other stuff. But if you can’t afford the high-end condo, or the wagyu beef, someone else should not be forced to provide it for you. Likewise the expensive medical treatment options.


True True

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