Beto - "Hell yeah, we're going to take your AR-15"

Yet you seem to think it’s reasonable to compare us to other first world nations with none of the same conditions we have or our Constitution.

Duplicity at best.

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it was very foolish of him to declare to do something unconstitutional

but at least one of these idiots were bold enough to finally give up the con

They can go to hell, they don’t recognize the right to keep and bear.

If we’re going to scrap the second do it the honorable way and try to pass an amendment and wipe out the rest of the BOR in one fell swoop in favor or pure majoritarian rule.

The end goal is the same, totalitarianism starting with a step by step disarming of the populace.

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Why wouldn’t he want to ban guns? Armed victims are dangerous! lol



He’s losing it. Wonder where he got that helmet nonsense? And look at the reaction from the children. Tsk, tsk.


For those that haven’t seen the clip, you should watch it. He didn’t mince words.

You admire that.


Admire isn’t the right word. I respect his passion. I have no problem with how he addressed those individuals during his speech.

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I’m no fan of foul language, especially in front of children. However, I think a reaction to someone laughing at the death of 19 kids might be an exception. Sure, there are other ways to handle it, but I can see someone getting angry over a person laughing at kids’ deaths and letting expletives fly. This predictably will be endearing to those that like him and a pearl clutching moment for those that don’t.

Passion? Of course you don’t.

You feel it’s true the AR platform was “designed to penetrate an enemy helmet at 500 feet?”


They weren’t laughing at “the death of 19 children”


Remember, this is the same gun that makes heads explode. Literally.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Literally the last thing he said before making his comment to the person was about taking an AR-15 up to “kids at 5 feet.” He was specifically discussing the availability of AR-15s pertaining to Uvalde. I watched the video. Did you?

Do you think laughing at that moment is appropriate? Would you have laughed?

They started laughing at helmets at 50 feet.

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Yes, 3 times.

I did.

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Speaks volumes.

What does it say to you?

Explaining it won’t change anything but oh well.

The time to chuckle about a misconception over an AR-15 is not while it is being discussed in the context of the death of 19 children. Find a better time and place to express your amusement. People think foul language is a sign of “losing it,” how about laughing during the discussion of the death of children?

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Did you ask the audience member of that’s what he was laughing at?

Not the theatrics? Not the narrative?

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